Truro News


- Author: Dave Willis - visit his website at www.insidebrid­

East won the king to return another as partner grabbed the ace and cleared the suit with a third round on which East parted with a heart. South cashed the top spades, crossed to dummy with a club and, hopefully, advanced the jack of spades. West scored the queen and cashed two diamonds to defeat the game, N-S -50. Declarer could emerge with the game bonus if unblocks the spades, leads a club to dummy and plays a heart to the queen. He continues with the heart ace to follow with three rounds of clubs throwing East on play. East has been reduced to the king-eight of hearts where South's ten of hearts furnishes a game-fulfilling ninth trick.

However, this line of play would not be chosen without a glance at the E-W hands.

South had overbid a tad with 2NT (18-19 HCP) but was stuck for a rebid after the major suit opening. Four spades may come home when East begins with the jack of clubs. There is a fair chance that East might select the king of diamonds as an opening shot to set the major suit contract. This is all speculatio­n, of course, but there was virtually no chance that N-S would reach the major suit game. Questions on bridge can be sent with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to The New Canadian Bridge c/o Torstar Syndicatio­n Services, One Yonge St., Toronto, M5E 1E6.

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