Truro News

Bible Hill holding recreation open house May 31


The Village of Bible Hill is looking for input from residents on what they see as the future for the community’s small parks.

To provide people with an opportunit­y to get informatio­n and share opinions, the village office will be the site of an open house on Thursday, May 31, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Stations, with maps focused around various parks, will be set up, and parks and recreation committee members will be there to hear residents’ comments about how parks are being maintained and what changes are suggested. There will also be potential projects available for community feedback.

“This is just a chance to get additional community input,” said Cody Brown, recreation director for Bible Hill. “People might have something they’d like to suggest, or they might want to keep the parks the way they are now. We’d just like to hear from them.”

Projects currently under considerat­ion Farnham Road Park: There is potential to create a toboggan hill at Farnham Road Park. While there would be no parking available, it is walkable for many families in nearby subdivisio­ns.

Scenic Drive: A community garden could be built at the Scenic Drive Park, with a source of water and a fence to protect it from deer.

Armstrong Park: Armstrong could be another location for a community garden, or it could be a site for a small basketball court or pump track ( for children’s scooters or small bikes) to be used by children.

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