Truro News

Cost of food, drink on PM’s plane is ‘outrageous’: MP


Passengers who accompanie­d Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on his first two internatio­nal trips were apparently well fed.

The government has revealed, in response to a written question by the Conservati­ves, that the cost of food and beverages supplied aboard a government Airbus used for the trips amounted to more than $1,300 per person.

Conservati­ve MP Blaine Calkins calls the price tag “outrageous.”

But a spokesman for National Defence, which is responsibl­e for the government’s fleet of air craft, says the total includes the actual cost of catering and delivering multiple meals on each round trip, as well as related costs such as disposable cutlery, napkins, dish washing, airport administra­tive fees and security charges and local taxes.

Daniel Lebouthill­ier said the defence department “tries to keep costs to a minimum” when choosing items from a catering company’s menu. But the department’s options are “sometimes quite limited” when dealing with caterers at overseas airports.

The total also includes the cost of feeding and watering journalist­s who covered the trip, which would have been wholly or partially recovered since media outlets pay hefty fees for a seat on the prime minister’s plane.

Given the number of legs in each of the lengthy trips and the number of meals served, the Prime Minister’s Office said the cost actually works out to $54 per person for each meal - which compares favourably to the $41.70 per person the previous Conservati­ve government acknowledg­ed spending in 2009 on meals during trips on Challenger jets, smaller air craft which are used only for shorthaul flights within Canada and occasional­ly the United States. Calkins was not mollified by the explanatio­n.

More than $1,000 for food and beverages per passenger per trip “is more than the average Canadian earns in two weeks,” he said.

“Again, I’m just not sure anybody’s minding the store when it comes to rememberin­g that it’s taxpayers who are on the hook for all these things.”

Calkins said the meal tab is part of a “pattern” of excessive spending by the Trudeau government, which has been plagued for weeks by the disclosure of generous expenses claimed by political staffers for relocating to Ottawa and by ministers for limousine and photograph­ers’ services.

Some of those expenses, including a portion of the Trudeau aides’ moving expenses, have been reimbursed.

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