Truro News

Ghost story

When the former library was demolished and staff shifted to new quarters in the historic Normal College, it turns out they weren’t the only ones changing their address.


Remember the spirits in the old library? Wonder what happened to them when the building was demolished?

“Three of the ones I was aware of came with us,” said Chris Wildbore, a psychic medium who also works at the library. “Two of them are older women who are very concerned and protective of the children and the third is a child.”

While working in the former library Wildbore spotted one of the spirits, who appeared to be a very proper older lady. According to local lore she is former library employee Eleanor Stanfield.

Feeling they belonged, Wildbore invited the spirits to move into the new building, which is the former Normal College.

“They’re cautious about the new area,” he said. “When you change somebody’s environmen­t there’s always some curiosity and confusion.”

He said the child – a boy, about nine years old – is connected with the adult nonfiction section but now moves around more than he did in the old building.

“He’s mischievou­s and it’s like he’s playing a game sometimes. I call him my little buddy.”

A couple of times Wildbore heard a thump and found something had fallen behind him. He would fix it and hear the same thump when he turned away, only to find nothing had fallen that time. A potted plant in the teen section is sometimes turned around when he turns his back on it, even though he’s the only one in the room.

Lynda Marsh, who has worked in the library for many years, said she has heard thumps and books have fallen from a shelf when no one is near, but she never felt threatened.

“I don’t know whether I believe in ghosts but there is much unknown and I keep an open mind,” she said.

Not surprising­ly, with the library taking over such an old building, it has its existing spirits. Adult non-fiction appears to be a favourite area for them. Some prefer the basement but Wildbore finds that space uncomforta­ble so he isn’t familiar with them.

He said the best way to connect with the spirits is to relax and let your mind wander.

“There are people without bodies going about their day-today life,” he added. “The library’s a community hub, whether you have a body or not.”

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 ?? LyNN CURwIN/TC MedIa ?? Chris Wildbore settles down with a book on the paranormal in the adult non-fiction corner where the sprit of a child often frequents.
LyNN CURwIN/TC MedIa Chris Wildbore settles down with a book on the paranormal in the adult non-fiction corner where the sprit of a child often frequents.
 ?? LyNN CURwIN/TC MedIa ?? Spirits from the old library moved into the new facility with staff, joining those who already inhabited the building.
LyNN CURwIN/TC MedIa Spirits from the old library moved into the new facility with staff, joining those who already inhabited the building.

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