Truro News

Protecting your health and health insurance

- drs. Oz & Roizen Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Email your health and wellness questions to Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen at youdocsdai­ly@sharecare

Q: I’m worried that in the future, my family is going to have a hard time finding health insurance and affording health care. How we can make sure we are protected? – Julia P., Garden City, Kan.

A: Good health care coverage includes preventive health services, such as vaccinatio­ns and checkups as well as medical treatment. That’s why losing health insurance is a threat to you, your family and society. A healthy, well cared for population contribute­s more to the economy and isn’t a drain on public money or the resources of hospitals.

What can you do? Speak up: make your worries known to your representa­tives. Then take steps to make sure you and your family avoid preventabl­e health problems.

The American Heart Associatio­n’s Life’s Simple 7 guidelines on protecting your heart also help you fight lifestyle-triggered cancers, reduce weightrela­ted digestive, mental and joint problems, beat diabetes and stay happy. A study in the Journal of the American Heart Associatio­n estimates a savings of $41 billion a year if all Medicare patients achieved five of the seven steps, but with all savings considered, it could hit over $200 billion.

1. Stop smoking (go to for help).

2. Get daily physical activity (10,000 steps daily or equivalent). 3. Upgrade your nutrition (ditch the five food felons; eat five to nine servings of produce daily).

4. Maintain a body mass index below 30 (Google “calculate your body mass index”).

5. Control your blood pressure (aim for less than 120 over 85; exercise; lose weight if you have to; talk to your doc about medication).

6. Control your cholestero­l (upgrade your nutrition and exercise routines, and talk to your doc about a statin)

7. Control your glucose level (aim for less than 100; exercise and nutrition upgrades make a huge difference here, too).

So let’s all meet the challenges to America’s health: Support accessible health-care coverage for everyone, and take responsibi­lity for making sure you and yours are as healthy as possible at every stage of life.

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