Truro News

Just weight and see

- Steve Bartlett Steve Bartlett is an editor with TC Media. He dives into the Deep End on Mondays to escape reality and salads. Reach him at

I’ve got to lose a few pounds. Again.

I’ve lost and gained so much weight over the years that a friend calls me Oprah.

I once shed tonnage on Atkins, but a single piece of McCain Deep ’n’ Delicious put an F in front of Atkins.

I’ve also tried Fit for Life, Belly Off, Lean Muscle, Wheat Belly, and Mediterran­ean.

In the latter, you adopt the dietary attitude of someone living near the Mediterran­ean Sea.

I’d like to see those good folk adopt that mindset during an Atlantic Canadian winter. You think they’d be choosing olives and tomatoes over storm chips in a raging blizzard when the power has been off for two days and you just had to break into a neighbour’s car to charge an iPhone?

I even volunteere­d to take part in an author’s research on intermitte­nt fasting, where you fast for 16 hours a day and eat your meals in the remaining eight.

Problem was I was scarfing down more in those eight hours than the Fort Mac Syncrude camp on steak night. Fasting wasn’t lasting. But this time – admittedly like all the other times – I need something with longevity, an approach that will help me lose weight and keep it off.

I no longer want a spare tire, a muffin top, or a dad bod.

And this has got nothing to do with vanity. I decided to stop caring about how I looked in Grade 8 when my Jordache jeans (Jord-ache, if you will) decided they could no longer contain me and ripped down the middle while on a date with a girl who, I believe, broke up with me because I didn’t swear.

And, of course, I’ve since lost all my hair.

Appearance means zilch to a bald man with latent Jordache anxiety.

No, I want to reach and maintain a healthy weight so I’m not confused with the Zamboni when playing hockey, so I can catch my son when he runs off with an inappropri­ate YouTube video playing on the iPad, so no one gives me the Pillsbury poke and asks if it tickles. (I’ll Pillsbury poke the little…)

I also want to reach and maintain a good weight so I can, hopefully, ward off some of those issues that come with age – heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, enjoying Coronation Street, etc.

After trying, and failing, so many times, my challenge is choosing which dietary direction to take.

Do I eat carbs or not? How about dairy, starch, fat, nitrates, red meat, or bacon (the fifth, lesser known, group in Canada’s Food Guide)?

Do I use a smaller plate, eat four small meals a day or chew each bite 33.687 times?

I’ve read articles that support all of this, and that’s got me in a dietary daze, a dietetic dilemma. I don’t know what will make the scales go up or down.

But I’m going to choose a path that gets me there. I’ll keep you posted. Weight and see.

“I decided to stop caring about how I looked in Grade 8 when my Jordache jeans (Jord-ache, if you will) decided they could no longer contain me…”

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