Truro News

Found while cycling Boston’s streets: a new spirituali­ty


Bicycling through Boston’s twisting, traffic-clogged streets may seem more about self-preservati­on than spiritual enlightenm­ent.

For the Rev. Laura Everett, her daily six-mile commute is a way of connecting to her adopted city, its residents, and her sense of community and vulnerabil­ity.

Instead of hopping on the subway and popping up in another part of town, Everett said, bicycling has exposed her to the warp and weft of Boston’s neighbourh­oods and the people who animate them.

It’s also led her to a new sense of spirituali­ty and inspired her to turn her experience­s into a new book, “Holy Spokes: The Search for Urban Spirituali­ty on Two Wheels.”

“Part of the regularity of a daily commute is what I think forms it to be a spiritual discipline,” said Everett, 38. “That commitment to the same route time and time again, starting to see the same people, seeing the same neighbourh­oods, seeing the trees change from budding to bursting – that is where I started noticing this is really having an effect not just on how I move through the city, but on my soul,” she said.

Along the way, Everett, executive director of the Massachuse­tts Council of Churches, stumbled on an impromptu congregati­on – a tribe of fellow bicyclists who share the joys and terrors of Boston’s byzantine streets.

She has married bicycle couples and officiated at an annual “blessing of the bicycles” in which bicyclists gather to pray for fellow cyclists who have died and let Everett and others anoint their bikes with a mix of holy oil and chain lube.

Everett’s most poignant contributi­on may be her participat­ion in “ghost bike” ceremonies.

Ghost bikes refer to the practice of painting a bicycle and its tires solid white and locking it near where a bicyclist has died, often after being struck by a car or truck.

“Bicyclists have the experience of knowing our own vulnerabil­ity, and knowing that in some ways our safety is dependent on the actions of others,” she said.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? Rev. Laura Everett rides her bike to a meeting of clergy in Cambridge, Mass.
AP PHOTO Rev. Laura Everett rides her bike to a meeting of clergy in Cambridge, Mass.

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