Truro News

Humidity concerns should be addressed

Installati­on has started on RECC dehumidifi­er


After dealing with fogged glass and soaring humidity, the RathEastli­nk Community Centre is in line for a new dehumidifi­er system.

The old system, which workers began removing Thursday, couldn’t handle the task. The result was occasions with fogging windows, visibility issues and poor ice conditions.

“From an operations standpoint, having this new system is very exciting,” said Matt Moore, general manager of the RECC.

“The old system simply pumped in air from outside which brought in moisture, but the new system will actually dehumidify the air, and should solve the humidity issues we have been experienci­ng.”

The new system will be able to remove 600 to 800 pounds of moisture per hour; compared to the 80 pounds per hour the old system could handle, and will have other benefits.

“It should help cut energy usage as well, as it will not need to run as much and work as hard as the old system had to.” said Moore.

Cost of the system is provided by the Colchester County and the Town of Truro, and is estimated to cost around $500,000 to $600,000.

Once up and running, the system should not only correct the arena’s humidity issues, but will help the building’s structural integrity.

“Like your basement, if there is a lot of moisture, it gets into things and can cause rust and rot. With this new system, it will actually dehumidify the air, and help us avoid structural rust issues inside the centre,” said Moore.

Due to high humidity from Thursday’s rain, the RECC and the Truro Junior A Bearcats decided to cancel Friday’s scheduled preseason hockey game against the Pictou County Weeks Crushers.

But the plan to have it up and running for the start of the Maritime Junior Hockey League’s regular season.

“Were scheduled to have the new unit running by the season opener on Sept. 16,” said Moore.

“If the unit is not operating, we will be in the same position we have been in for the previous seasons; adapting to Mother Nature as best we can and hoping for low humidity outside.”

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