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Hamas leader hints of mass breach of Israeli border


The Hamas militant group’s leader in the Gaza Strip on Thursday said protesters in a mass demonstrat­ion along the Israeli border next week will be unarmed and peaceful, but also compared them to a “starving tiger” and held out the possibilit­y that tens of thousands of people could burst through the fence and swarm into Israel.

While Yehiyeh Sinwar repeatedly said he hopes to avoid bloodshed, he gave no indication that his group will try to hold back the expected large crowds - a scenario that could trigger a potentiall­y lethal Israeli response.

In his first meeting with foreign press since taking office last year, Sinwar said residents of blockaded Gaza are so desperate their actions are impossible to predict. He also claimed that Israel’s borders are not internatio­nally recognized and do not have to be respected.

“What’s the problem if hundreds of thousands storm this fence which is not a border of a state? What’s the problem with that?” he said.

Israel has said it will defend its border. It accuses Hamas of exploiting civilians and using the chaotic scenes to stage attacks. Israeli fire has killed 40 Palestinia­ns and wounded some 1,700 since the protests began on March 30.

The Hamas-led demonstrat­ions are aimed at breaking a crippling decade- long Israeli- Egyptian

blockade, imposed after the group seized power in Gaza in 2007, and assert Palestinia­n demands to return to lost homes in what is now Israel. Sinwar also said the demonstrat­ions are also a protest against Monday’s planned move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to contested Jerusalem.

The move is taking place on the 70th anniversar­y of Israel’s establishm­ent — a date the Palestinia­ns mark as their “nakba,” or catastroph­e — over the displaceme­nt of hundreds of thousands of Palestinia­ns who either fled or were forced from their homes. Some two-thirds of Gaza’s 2 mil- lion people are descendant­s of Palestinia­n refugees.

Sinwar, who spent over two decades in Israeli prisons after being convicted in the killings of two Israeli soldiers, was released in a 2011 prisoner swap and quickly rose through the ranks of Hamas. Last year, he was elected as the group’s leader in its Gaza stronghold.

Israel and its Western allies consider Hamas, which seeks Israel’s destructio­n, a terrorist group — a label Sinwar staunchly rejected. He described it as a peaceful movement, but also defended what he called the “right to resist” Israeli occupation.

Yet he said that he has no desire to see any further bloodshed in the final days of what Hamas calls the “March of Return.” He repeatedly said the protests would be “purely peaceful” and protesters would be unarmed.

“The scene we hope to see on Monday and Tuesday is the less bloody one,” he said. “Things depend on the reaction of the (Israeli) occupation.”

Still, he said the conditions are so bad in Gaza that it is difficult to predict how people will behave. The blockade, which Israel says is needed to prevent Hamas from building its military capabiliti­es, has decimated Gaza’s economy. Unemployme­nt is approachin­g 50 per cent, nearly all of its fresh water is undrinkabl­e and residents receive just a few hours of electricit­y a day. He even claimed that some conditions in Israeli prison were better than conditions in Gaza.

“We went out to knock the wall of the prison and declare it clearly that we will not agree to die slowly,” he said.

He compared the situation to a “time bomb” that could go off any time unexpected­ly and likened the territory to a “starving tiger” in a cage.

“No one knows where the tiger is heading, what it is going to do,” he said. The lights in the room went off several times during the meeting, prompting him to quip: “Welcome to Gaza.”

Israel and Hamas have vastly different visions of nonviolenc­e. Protesters have hurled stones and burning tires at Israeli troops and repeatedly tried to damage and rip down the border fence.

Israel says its forces are defending a sovereign border and accuses Hamas of using civilians for cover while it tries to plot a border breach and attacks against its citizens.

But the UN, the European Union and rights groups have accused Israel of using excessive force against unarmed protesters. Despite the criticism, Israel says its rules of engagement remain the same — setting the stage for potential bloodshed in the case of a massive border breach next week.

Speaking on other issues, Sinwar condemned Israeli airstrikes on what it says are Iranian military facilities in neighbouri­ng Syria and the U.S. walkout from the nuclear deal with Iran.

“Any harming of an Arab or Islamic state hurts us,” he said.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? Yehiyeh Sinwar, the Hamas militant group’s leader in the Gaza Strip, speaks to foreign correspond­ents in his office in Gaza City yesterday,
AP PHOTO Yehiyeh Sinwar, the Hamas militant group’s leader in the Gaza Strip, speaks to foreign correspond­ents in his office in Gaza City yesterday,

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