Truro News

Vintage Stove and Fireplace in Hilden helping the cause

Money raised for Homeless Outreach Society and Wildlife Rehab Centre


Vintage Stove and Fireplace in Hilden is holding a major fundraiser this week for two deserving local groups.

The store at 1234 Willow Street has been collecting money and material donations for both the Truro Outreach Homeless Society and the Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilita­tion Centre.

Donations continue to be taken through Friday.

Hot dogs were sold Monday and will be again Friday, with a chance to enter a draw for a $100 gas card.

The efforts are being held in concert with the business’s annual supersale.

“It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to help out the community – that’s what we’re all about,” said Vintage Stove storeowner Diane Mcmasters. “Me and one of the other girls wanted to volunteer at the Truro Homeless Outreach Society, but because we work during the day we couldn’t go there and be up all night. So, we thought this would be a great way to help them out and they were so pleased that we thought of them.”

For donations, the THOS needs paper towels, juice packs, bottled water, granola bars, canned meats, laundry soap, cleaning supplies and pudding cups.

The CWRC has requested unsalted nuts, fresh and frozen berries and cherries, salad greens, apples, eggs, Activa strawberry yogurts, clear trash bags, Ziplocs, hand sanitizer, tissues, printer paper, ceramic food bowls, heat lamps and bulbs, postage stamps and business envelopes.

Both groups also welcome donations of gift cards of any kind.

“The CWRC has rescued a lot of birds and animals, brought them back to health and released them into the wild again,” said McMasters.

She urged people to donate generously in whatever way they could, saying both groups “really need them.”

The THOS was to have volunteers at Vintage Stove on Monday, while the CWRC will have its own people there tomorrow (Friday).

 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTO ?? Vintage Stove and Fireplace, 1234 Willow St. in Hilden, is combining their regular annual supersale with efforts to help two local groups raise both money and supplies for their operation.
SUBMITTED PHOTO Vintage Stove and Fireplace, 1234 Willow St. in Hilden, is combining their regular annual supersale with efforts to help two local groups raise both money and supplies for their operation.

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