Truro News

We need more women involved with politics


To the editor: Archeologi­cal study has shown that ancient societies were ruled by women. Only after the developmen­t of agricultur­e did men take leading roles in civic life.

Human history, filled with endless war and pillage, is proof of many bad decisions.

Denuded forests, polluted oceans, and climate norms about to fall off a cliff represent the residual effects of 5,000 years of male domination in politics and business.

A long-time friend, while recently visiting from Ontario, stated we really need more women in politics. I suspect she was surprised when my response was a wholeheart­ed endorsemen­t of her position.

When matters relating to child rearing or protection are considered, women should have the floor.

In nature – and humans are just another segment of the natural world – the females are nearly always the protectors of the young. They instinctiv­ely act to ward off predators and will fight to the death before abandoning their offspring.

Only a blind fool could consider the world men have created and fail to understand that we are bequeathin­g enormous problems for our children, grandchild­ren, and beyond.

Not only will their lives be dominated by abnormal climatic events, their very existence may be in jeopardy due to the destructio­n of the ecosphere that men have caused through their lust for wealth and power.

There is indisputab­le evidence that climate change is real, is heavily influenced by human actions, and threatens all life on earth.

The men in control of industry and government continue to focus on short-term profits at the expense of the biosphere and our children’s future.

Unless we return to governing using the natural protective intuition of women, the children of today and forward will experi- ence a serious decline in livability.

We are rapidly approachin­g a climatic point of no return. Only a rapid change in how we inhabit the earth can save us.

From my perspectiv­e, it seems unlikely that a greater influence by women would have anything but a positive effect.

Our worldwide ship of state is in need of a serious change of course. It is time to give women the helm again.

Orland Kennedy, Brookfield

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