Truro News

Colchester RCMP taking firearms off the streets


BIBLE HILL, N.S. – From small handguns to assault rifles, Colchester District RCMP Staff-sgt. Allan Carroll has seen many firearms come into the detachment.

“They come in through seizures, sometimes when a search warrant is carried out or there’s a domestic situation,” he said. “Some of them are found during traffic stops. There are also some voluntaril­y turned in.

“We have shotguns, handguns, hunting rifles, pellet guns, even bayonets. People sometimes think things like this aren’t in our back yard, but these all came from Colchester County during the past two years.”

Carroll said fake firearms are seized if they’re realistic looking and used in a threatenin­g manner.

Sometimes, family members bring in firearms after the owner’s death. Some weapons are even found by people out walking or clearing a building.

The RCMP works with the National Weapons Enforcemen­t Support Team, which checks databases to see if they’ve been used in crimes.

The detachment recently sent 90 of these firearms to be destroyed by NWEST and is holding about 60 more that are part of ongoing investigat­ions or are still needed for other reasons.

“Once the court process is complete firearms can be destroyed,” said Cpl. Stephen Smith.

Carroll said the RCMP will take any firearms to get them off the street. They do ask that anyone planning to drop off firearms call ahead.

 ?? LYNN CURWIN/TRURO NEWS ?? Constable Aaron Patton, left, and Staff-sgt. Allan Carroll, of the Colchester District RCMP, display firearms collected in Colchester County during the past two years. The weapons were taken in through searches, seizures and voluntary surrenders and have been sent to be destroyed.
LYNN CURWIN/TRURO NEWS Constable Aaron Patton, left, and Staff-sgt. Allan Carroll, of the Colchester District RCMP, display firearms collected in Colchester County during the past two years. The weapons were taken in through searches, seizures and voluntary surrenders and have been sent to be destroyed.

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