Truro News

New year, better resolution­s

- Terry Daley is a registered dietitian with Atlantic Superstore in Truro. Terry Daley, RD

Every January many Canadians vow they will eat better, be more active and lose weight. By February most will have “fallen off track” and may possibly even feel like a failure.

While setting goals for yourself is great and highly recommende­d to do any time of the year, I think we can set better goals for ourselves and re-evaluate our resolution­s at the start of the new year. Here are some ways to set yourself up for success with resolution­s that will leave you feeling great instead of guilty.

First up, is how to set goals. You need them to be specific, make them achievable, measurable and create a plan. Many like to set a resolution to lose a specific number of pounds but the truth is, we can’t control that number. However, we can control our daily habits and create routines that will make us feel good in our bodies. Something as simple as “I will eat a vegetable I enjoy with dinner every evening” or “I will move my body in ways that brings me joy at least four time a week.” These types of goals are what we, as dietitians, would call

SMART goals: they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.

It’s also important to keep your goals positive. Rather than focusing on goals that will leave you feeling deprived, why not focus on things that will bring

you joy. Instead of “I will cut out high fat and sugary foods,” try avoiding these restrictio­ns by including more foods that make you feel good, both physically and mentally! Maybe that means eating more of your favourite fruits or taking the

time a few nights a week to cook yourself a favourite most satisfying meal. I think we need to step away from the diet mentality and focus on our overall health and wellness. It’s time we move away from weight and numbers!

Speaking of satisfying meals, try introducin­g your friends to something new this year with an elegant brunch dish starring impressive extra-thick steak-cut bacon, or Stacon. Yes, bacon! I would cut in half the amount of bacon called for in the recipe but this tomato arugula salad is extremely satisfying, almost like a BLT sandwich without the bread.

I think it’s also important to remember to practise selfcompas­sion and to be kind to yourself when you’re working away on your resolution. Life happens, your priorities will change and with that, so will your goals. It’s okay to drop a goal before you’ve achieved it. That’s not a failure; it’s important to recognize when our resolution­s no longer align with our values.

Listen to your inner voice and move on, no shame. Don’t be afraid to set new resolution anytime of the year that will serve you better.

Do you have a nutrition health goal in mind? The Atlantic Superstore dietitian team can coach you to success! Set up a personaliz­ed appointmen­t at bookadieti­ or email us for more informatio­n at Dietitian services are also available for schools, business and community groups.

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