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The show must go on


the musical director and keyboardis­t Steve Roe was injured in a car accident, breaking his hand in three places.

Rescheduli­ng the musical meant the school had to pay a $1,000 fine to the licensing company that owns the rights to the show for moving the performanc­e dates. But, the show must go on.

Director Toven MacLean said Roe was on his way to the performanc­e when the accident occurred.

“We tried to call somebody to see if somebody could fill in but it was just too quick. It’s been nice to polish up the show a bit more and have another go at it. I think the show will be even tighter now. We don’t want Steve to feel bad,” MacLean said with a laugh.

Despite the accident and change in date, KES is excited to perform for the community.

“It is an extraordin­arily tal- ented group of students,” MacLean said. “Including a group that plays in the student band, live on stage.”

Approximat­ely 30 students are participat­ing in the show, plus a crew of teachers who are helping out behind the scenes.

School of Rock is an awardwinni­ng musical written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and based on film starring Jack Black.

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