Vancouver Magazine

Turn Back the Biological Clock

The first step in reclaiming your youth is to figure out what your biological age is in the first place—the number that reveals exactly the damage that’s been done (or avoided) during your turns around the globe. We asked Doctors Lawrence Chan and Alex Ch

- Sally Michael White

Q: How do you determine someone’s biological age? Dr. Alex:

We determine biological age by looking at toxicity, hormone balance, diet and lifestyle to see how the years you’ve lived have a ected your body. Hormones are the body’s repair kit. When you hit menopause or andropause, nature starts to crash your hormone levels to half of what they were when you were younger. The nice thing is, though, we can intervene. The body will respond when you push it, so if you exercise hard and properly, and you eat well, you can bump up your natural hormones.

Q: Is it possible to turn back the clock and forestall the aging process? Dr. Alex:

With aging and disease prevention, if you imagine that your genetic risk factors are the bullets, then the environmen­t is what pulls the trigger. We do a lot for treatment and prevention of these risks through IV therapies, nutrition, supplement­s and acupunctur­e.

Dr. Lawrence: Basically, you want to maintain ahomeostat­ic state. You can occasional­ly come out of it for fun and excitement, but if your body is toxic—from poor diet, metal llings, airborne chemicals, pesticides, plastics—it starts skewing down until you get it back to that middle range. It usually boils down to taking care of yourself: sleep well, eat well, drink enough water, be mindful and try not to be obsessed by things.

Q: It sounds like it’s not just about physical wellness. Dr. Lawrence:

Emotions are a big factor. If you have high stress all the time, your body goes into something called sympatheti­c dominance, which means you start to secrete hormones like cortisol, which breaks down the body’s cells. A lot of people have sleeping issues because they’re running high levels of sympatheti­c stress 24/7. That adds to acidity, which adds to inˆammation, which leads to degenerati­ve diseases like cancer. The whole idea is to get your body less inˆamed. If you can do that, you’ll be healthier.

Q: Are there any new ways to optimize our bodies? Dr. Alex:

With younger generation­s especially, we’re seeing increased interest in biohacking. They want to know how we can push the edge in terms of optimizing health. Athletes often set themselves up for injury because of the load and the cardiovasc­ular demand on the body. One thing we o er is a blood ozone technique called major autohemoth­erapy, which helps to increase oxygen use and content at the cellular level. It boosts your whole internal system, so it can be used for performanc­e enhancemen­t, but you can also use it for cancer treatment.

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