Vancouver Sun

For and against the taxpayers’ lobby

Readers’ voices: My column struck a nerve; here is some of the feedback

- Stephen Hume

Monday’s column about the TransLink plebiscite and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation role — former national director Gregory Thomas tells me it has 5,000 active supporters in Metro — sure pushed a button. So, let’s give readers their say.

“CTF can be annoying; they raise some valid points. That said, they flourish by way of media attention. If there was no coverage, their effect would lessen.” – Lawrence Burr

“Fees after reducing taxes come from the same pocket. Compare fees for government services and taxes for all provinces before saying our taxes and fees are low.” – Gord Lavery

“We get it; you and others don’t like the CTF. I don’t pay too much attention to them. I’m voting No to the plebiscite and my reasons were formed prior to the CTF speaking.” – Dave Watt

“I’ve long wondered who the CTF actually represent — certainly not me. As a taxpayer, my uppermost concern is value for money. Elected officials should be held accountabl­e. TransLink should be open to public scrutiny but even if the entire executive was eliminated the effect on the bottom line would be negligible.” – John Buckberrou­gh

“Stephen Hume wonders how the CTF has hijacked debate on the transit plebiscite — unfettered access to the news media. It used to be said of the media that if it bleeds it leads. Now it appears that if it is Jordan Bateman it leads.” – David Shore

“The lowest form of debate occurs when you are unable to attack the message so you resort to attacking the messenger. Your column made no attempt to attack the message of the CTF. I could care less where the CTF is located. I can accept or reject their opinion based on philosophy. I will vote No until TransLink is reorganize­d to be responsibl­e to voters.” – Paul Downs

“So you, who represent zero per cent of B.C. population, want to express your democratic right to your opinion but would deny it to others? Dress up your arguments any way you want, we want no more, and cannot afford more, taxes.” – J. Tichy

“The main argument against more tax is the waste and inefficien­cy at TransLink.” – Cherryl Katnich

“According to CTF, all taxes are evil and all government­s are financiall­y irresponsi­ble. But they never tell us how many hospitals or schools they would close. ” – Wally

“Working people are tax slaves. Put a cap on the money they can pick from my pockets each year. The CTF is the right associatio­n to talk and protect taxpayers since nobody else is willing to.” – Tessy

“I will extend the benefit of the doubt and assume that the narrowness of comments in your piece today flows from The Sun’s new physical form.” – Andre van Wyk

“For those who have watched the financial disaster that is TransLink, it does not matter where the CTF is located, as long a someone is watching! As much as 10 per cent of fares are leaked due to nonpayment — honour system, right. Count me a No.” — Gregory Wyatt

“The government is dividing us into the regional district versus the rest of the province. It will come back to haunt them.” – Al

“I am a Canadian taxpayer but don’t recall having asked, appointed or elected the CTF to speak on my behalf. Media have legitimize­d this group.” – L. Novokshono­ff

“Come on, reporters; stop being lazy and just relying on the narrow-minded opinions of this one organizati­on. Let’s hear from someone else.” – Bradley Homick

“Nobody else seems to be taking up the ‘No’ cause except the CTF. TransLink is broken, suburbanit­es already have to pay new bridge tolls. No wonder the Yes side is in disarray.” – Stefan Forrestal

“Recommend you make a serious attempt to lower your blood pressure. Writing the article about the CTF must have zoomed it into the extremely high zone.” — Ken Johnson

 ?? ARLEN REDEKOP/PNG ?? Jordan Bateman of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation is the target of both darts and laurels from readers, who reacted to Monday’s Stephen Hume column.
ARLEN REDEKOP/PNG Jordan Bateman of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation is the target of both darts and laurels from readers, who reacted to Monday’s Stephen Hume column.
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