Vancouver Sun

Boston Bomber’s lawyer faces daunting task


BOSTON — Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s attorney is renowned for keeping her high-profile clients off death row, but Judy Clarke could face her most daunting challenge yet in trying to save the Boston Marathon bomber from execution.

Most of Clarke’s past successes hinged on persuading prosecutor­s to take the death penalty off the table before their cases ever reached a jury. She accomplish­ed that on behalf of such killers as Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Atlanta Olympics bomber Eric Rudolph and Arizona mass shooter Jared Loughner.

With Tsarnaev, Clarke doesn’t have that option. A federal jury convicted Tsarnaev of all 30 charges against him Wednesday and found him responsibl­e for the deaths of the three people killed in the 2013 attack and the killing of an MIT police officer three days later. The same jurors will begin hearing evidence next week on what his punishment should be. They have two choices: life in prison or execution.

Clarke has had success in persuading juries that someone who committed a horrific crime should be allowed to live. In 1995, a jury in South Carolina spared the life of Susan Smith, who drowned her two young sons by sending her car into a lake with the boys buckled in their car seats.

Clarke also helped defend Zacarias Moussaoui, often called “the 20th hijacker” for his role in planning the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. Moussaoui’s life was spared when one juror refused to vote for death.

“The goal for her is to humanize Tsarnaev,” said David Hoose, a death penalty lawyer who won a life sentence for Massachuse­tts nurse Kristen Gilbert after she was convicted of killing four patients.

Hoose said he experts Clarke and the defence team to focus on Tsarnaev’s youth — he was 19 at the time of the bombings — and present research that indicates the brain continues to mature in the teenage years and judgment is not fully developed until the 20s. “This is a very hot issue in criminal justice circles these days,” Hoose said. “This is a kid who one minute is goofing around with his college buddies and the next minute is looking at jihadi movies.”

 ?? SCOTT EISEN/GETTY IMAGES ?? Members of the defence team for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, including Miriam Conrad, left, and Judy Clarke, right, are trying to persuade jurors to let him live.
SCOTT EISEN/GETTY IMAGES Members of the defence team for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, including Miriam Conrad, left, and Judy Clarke, right, are trying to persuade jurors to let him live.

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