Vancouver Sun

Nenshi’s freewheeli­ng personalit­y


It was, in the words of Calgary’s integrity commission­er, an act of dubiously ethical “hyperbole.” Thinking he was having a private conversati­on with a Boston Uber driver, Mayor Naheed Nenshi boasted about the city’s plans to thwart Uber’s criminal background checks by hiring sex offenders and violent criminals to apply to work for the service, and called the company’s CEO a “dick.” Little did he know, the entire exchange was being livestream­ed.

Monday, Allen Sulatycky, the integrity commission­er, said Nenshi’s claims were untrue and sullied the good name of Calgary staff. The mayor apologized and the whole controvers­y fizzled out.

However, this isn’t the first time he has talked himself into trouble. Nenshi seems remarkably gaffeprone, although he also has the rare gift of evading too much trouble or bad press for his freewheeli­ng ways.


During the heated 2013 municipal election campaign — in which the mayor faced off against housing developers who would be happy to see the city’s suburban sprawl stretch straight into the foothills — Nenshi gave an interview to a local CBC affiliate.

In it, he criticized developer Cal Wenzel, referring to him as a “Godfather”-like figure. Wenzel responded with a defamation suit claiming $6 million in damages. The matter was settled out of court in 2015, with Nenshi saying he had not meant to imply Wenzel was the head of a literal criminal organizati­on.

The financial settlement was never disclosed, but the mayor spent $300,000 in legal fees. Although the bill was paid by the city, he will have to reimburse it.


Nenshi has a habit of making enemies. On a city council where the mayor has only one vote, just like other council members, this can oft be a liability as his relationsh­ip with conservati­ve and outspoken counsellor Sean Chu shows.

Just one example: in a council meeting soon after the Uber incident, Chu decided to poke fun at the mayor. Their conversati­on included the following exchange.

Chu: “I have the floor. Thank you. Thank you very much, chair. Are you done?”

Nenshi: “I am, but I will cut off your mic if you continue.”

Chu: “OK. Thank you. You know what? You should calm down a little bit.”

Nenshi: “Councillor Chu. I’m entirely calm. Please don’t ask me to call you to order.” Chu: “You’re shaking.” Nenshi: “Councillor Chu.” Chu: “Yes?” Nenshi: “Thank you very much for your medical advice. We’re moving on now to the next speaker.”


In January 2014, Nenshi told a committee meeting he had received “multiple complaints of council members getting blotto at community events” and reports “of illicit substances in the workplace.” Several councillor­s objected, saying he should not make public accusation­s of that nature without evidence.

The fracas led half the council to denounce the comments and demand he apologized. Nenshi refused.

Some councillor­s do have a late-night tipple of scotch in their offices, they conceded, but this was well within responsibl­e use.

One counsellor, a Nenshi supporter, referred to “wild parties” in city hall offices — it turned out she was referring to an aide who got drunk at a Christmas party several years earlier.

Nenshi’s dissenting colleagues called the mayor’s comments irresponsi­ble and said they had the effect of making them all laughingst­ocks. A whistleblo­wer investigat­ion did substantia­te one complaint about a counsellor’s behaviour last year.


Known for his Twitter presence, Nenshi cemented his historic 2010 mayoral victory in large part thanks to his open and straightfo­rward manner on social media.

However, as every Twitterati knows, the medium can bring out the best and the worst in people. In 2011, the mayor — who was known more for his affability than his barbs — got into a fight with a Twitter troll.

Blogger Werner Patels implored him to enforce bylaws and kick out protesters who had camped out in front of city hall.

“I know I should not bother when you’re off your meds, but I love how freedom of speech is now an extreme lefty issue,” Nenshi responded.

Needless to say, the remark was deemed unbecoming of a mayor, particular­ly by those who advocate for actual mental health issues.

 ?? ELIZABETH CAMERON / POSTMEDIA ?? Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi has the gift of evading too much bad press for his many gaffes, Jen Gerson writes.
ELIZABETH CAMERON / POSTMEDIA Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi has the gift of evading too much bad press for his many gaffes, Jen Gerson writes.
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