Vancouver Sun

Kidney Cancer: Understand­ing the Risk


KIDNEY CANCER is among the 10 most common cancers in Canada and it’s on the rise. But unlike many other types of cancer there are still many unanswered questions about what causes the disease and there are no screening or prevention strategies in place.

What is known about kidney cancer, is that when caught early, it’s very treatable. In the late stages, it can be a lethal disease.

“More research is still needed to fully understand what causes kidney cancer,” says Dr. Anil Kapoor, uro-oncologist at Hamilton’s Juravinski Cancer Centre. “But until that time education and awareness of kidney cancer, which can lead to catching the disease earlier, can be very powerful and save lives.”


There are known risk factors associated with the disease – such as smoking, obesity and high blood pressure.

“Being aware of these factors and making lifestyle choices accordingl­y may help reduce your risk,” says Kapoor. Other risk factors for kidney cancer include exposure to certain commercial chemicals, such as trichloroe­thylene (TCE), or long-term dialysis associated with advanced kidney disease.


While some subtypes of kidney cancer are genetic, it’s rare to inherit genes that cause cancer from a parent.

“If you have a strong family history of kidney cancer, the kidney cancer is a rare type, or the cancer was found before 45 year of age, your doctor may recommend seeing a genetic counsellor to test if you have an inherited condition,” says Kapoor.

Another reason why people in the same family have cancer is because they have been exposed to the same cancer risk, such as tobacco smoke. But most of the time, cancer, and kidney cancer included, is caused by changes in the genes which happens over time as we age.


Regardless of your family history, pay attention to changes in your body. If you notice things like blood in the urine, pain or a lump in the abdomen or swelling of the legs, see your doctor.

“The symptoms are similar to other conditions and it may not be kidney cancer,” says Kapoor. “But it’s also known when we catch it early, treating kidney cancer can be very successful. And that’s how we can save lives.”

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