Vancouver Sun

Foreign students struggling with English

But some say there is pressure to pass them


Veteran college English instructor­s are routinely receiving passionate, imploring pleas for passing grades from the internatio­nal students who increasing­ly fill their classes.

The foreign students’ emotion-filled emails and in-office appeals, often issued in jumbled English, invariably aim to cajole faculty at Langara College and other institutio­ns into giving them a break, so they will be able to move on from their mandatory courses in English literature.

They often maintain their entire future depends on passing the English course.

Langara College has experience­d a five-fold rise in foreign students since 2014, but two English literature and compositio­n instructor­s say the college’s over-reliance on internatio­nal fees is not working for many high-stressed foreign students, their anxious offshore parents or for shortchang­ed domestic students.

Langara College English instructor­s Peter Babiak and Anne Moriarty are among a small number of Canadian higher education officials who are raising concerns about the expanding business of internatio­nal education, which now brings 130,000 foreign students to B.C., mostly Metro Vancouver.

“I do feel sorry for the (internatio­nal) students, of course, but that’s not really the point. When I assign grades, presumably I need to be objective and not let emotions get in the way,” says Babiak, who has been teaching at Langara since 2002.

Like many faculty at universiti­es and colleges, Babiak and Moriarty feel pressure to wave through the full-fee-paying foreign students, especially in mandatory first-year English literature courses, even if they lack fluency in English.

“There is a booming industry dedicated to helping students jump through English-language hoops, which teachers like me everywhere work hard to defend. Being part of this is weighing heavily on my conscience,” said Moriarty.

Langara provost Ian Humphreys, however, said Tuesday “there is no pressure on faculty to pass students who are not yet achieving learning outcomes.”

Moriarty, however, said that even though many of the foreign students work hard in their technical, business and computer courses, many also leave their mandatory English literature course to the end of their multiyear programs, knowing their English is weak.

Both Babiak and Moriarty also agonize over how classroom discussion­s in English literature courses are often severely restricted because of language barriers. It means, he said, students who seriously want to study novels, linguistic­s and compositio­n don’t get as much high-level interactio­n as they could.

The number of internatio­nal students at Langara College has increased almost five times in the past four years, to a total of 5,107 students (not including those in continuing education). In tandem with foreign-student recruitmen­t efforts in India by former B.C. Liberal premier Christy Clark and Langara College administra­tors, the number of students at Langara from India has catapulted 40 times higher in just three years.

It’s jumped to 3,084 students from India in 2017, up from 68 in 2014.

Foreign students this academic year made up about 34 per cent of the 15,000 full- and part-time regular students at Langara College, compared to just 13 per cent three years ago.

The worries raised by Babiak and Moriarty echo those of Patrick Keeney, a B.C.-based education professor, who wrote in a Canadian faculty journal about increasing language obstacles in Canadian classrooms.

Since foreign students make up significan­t proportion­s of many Canadian classes and many struggle with English or French, Keeney said, he’s witnessed how both domestic students and foreign students are being shortchang­ed, especially those in the humanities and social sciences.

“How is that someone who has only rudimentar­y conversati­onal English should now miraculous­ly be expected to read, write about and speak substantia­lly to scholarly texts? The answer is that many simply cannot,” says Keeney, who has taught at Thompson Rivers University, Simon Fraser University and Chiang Mai University in Thailand.

“Why,” adds Babiak, “should the material delivered in firstyear English (literature and compositio­n) classes, and the writing demanded, be watered down because of the presence of ESL students? This would be like a student asking a geometry or algebra prof to overlook or ignore general weaknesses in spatial orientatio­n or problems differenti­ating addition from multiplica­tion functions.”

Even though it’s rarely discussed outside private faculty meetings, Babiak and Moriarty say many humanities colleagues fear if they fail foreign students, there will be repercussi­ons.

Many faculty, they say, are anxious about getting poor rankings on “rate-your-professor” websites, not filling future classes with students, displeasin­g administra­tors (even if they are not directly told so) and having to spend many extra hours in their offices with distraught students.

Not every foreign student struggles with English at Langara, says Babiak.

The proportion changes from term to term. And some diligent students who initially get a D in his courses have worked hard and ended with Bs.

Even though Langara and other institutes of higher learning require most students to pass English-language tests, Moriarty and Babiak say those tests don’t always adequately measure if students have the language skills to do well in literature and humanities courses.

Moriarty and Babiak say many students are falling through the cracks in the province’s language assessment bureaucrac­y, including by skipping Langara’s test by transferri­ng in from other colleges.

Langara’s provost, however, said there should be no problem with students’ language levels, since many students must take the “Langara English Test.”

The abilities of those who transfer in from other institutio­ns should also not have an impact, Humphreys added, because “decisions about which courses are equivalent are made by the department­s at each institutio­n responsibl­e for the subject matter.”

Despite disagreeme­nt between faculty and administra­tors, language difficulti­es in classrooms can create high stress for many people in B.C.’s colleges and universiti­es.

One foreign student to whom Babiak gave a low mark in English literature complained to his department head, claiming Babiak was a “racist.” She eventually dropped out.

Babiak and Moriarty said they feel badly for foreign students and their parents who appear to have been told by recruiters that by paying five times more in fees than domestic students their offspring will not only get a Canadian education, but access to the Canadian job market and favoured treatment for future citizenshi­p.

“I also feel sorry for the domestic students who take my courses and expect me, logically, to deliver an English education suitable to the first-year transfer level,” says Babiak, author of Garage Criticism: Cultural Missives in an Age of Distractio­n.

“My classes have, in the past couple of years, been radically transforme­d into ESL catchbasin classes.”

Moriarty is calling on higher education administra­tors, faculty and politician­s to take on issues surroundin­g the foreign-student phenomenon in “a thorough, transparen­t and measured conversati­on” about educationa­l values.

“The conversati­on would embrace multicultu­ral classrooms as a healthy given, while not ignoring or denying whether they’re working for B.C. students of all ethnic background­s.”

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 ?? FRANCIS GEORGIAN ?? Peter Babiak and Anne Moriarty, English literature instructor­s at Langara College, are concerned about foreign students who are falling through the cracks of the province’s language assessment bureaucrac­y, and finding it difficult to pass the mandatory...
FRANCIS GEORGIAN Peter Babiak and Anne Moriarty, English literature instructor­s at Langara College, are concerned about foreign students who are falling through the cracks of the province’s language assessment bureaucrac­y, and finding it difficult to pass the mandatory...

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