Vancouver Sun


October 2, 2017


Celebritie­s born on this day: Kelly Ripa, 47; Sting, 66; Annie Leibovitz, 68; Donna Karan, 69.

Happy Birthday! Choose to be happy and to spread joy. Laughter is the best medicine and will encourage those around you to appreciate life and to live in the moment. Make positive changes and let go of what isn’t working for you anymore. Let your life unfold naturally and put greater emphasis on what you can accomplish, not what you cannot. Your numbers are 9, 13, 24, 27, 30, 34, 45. ARIESKeep personal(March 21-April informatio­n19): a secret. Don’t be fooled by someone who is being overly friendly. Ulterior motives are apparent and can lead to problems related to your profession­al goals. Protect your position, reputation and your passwords. ★★★ TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

Know what you are up against before you confront a situation or individual. Get into tip-top shape so that you can endure whatever challenge you encounter. Preparatio­n will lead to a flawless strategy. Celebrate your victory with someone you love. ★★★★ GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

Refuse to let your emotions interfere with your job responsibi­lities. Confusion or uncertaint­y will set in if you or someone else isn’t honest about the way you feel. Don’t make excuses, be up-front and ask for the same in return. ★★

CANCER (June 21-July 22): If you want something, go after it. Taking physical action will prove to be beneficial. Follow a creative idea to fruition and it will take you on a wonderful journey that will enrich your life and open up a window of opportunit­y. ★★★★★

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Jump in and get things done. If you reveal your plans, someone will step in and take over. Negotiate on your behalf to

ensure control thatof your you ideas. don’t Doinglose theoff. ★★★work your way will pay VIRGOAn honest (Aug. appraisal 23-Sept. of 22): what needsyour personalto be done life to better make will Listen help to you your move heart well as figureto reasonout what and you you wantwill and need. ★★★ LIBRAGet involved(Sept. the things22): you enjoy doing most. Meet up with people you love to collaborat­e with and something good will transpire. Networking, enjoying the youngsters in your life will improve your mindset. ★★★★★ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

You may crave change, but before you jump in to something new, do your research so you don’t end up wishing you had stayed put. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. Play it safe. ★★ SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Avoid any sort of conflict. It is best to agree on the basics and move on. If someone tries to manipulate you, walk away. It’s up to you to bring about positive change. Look for an opportunit­y and follow your heart. ★★ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Do something physical or take on a creative project that will occupy your time and your mind. Sitting idle will result in overanalyz­ing and reacting to a situation that requires time to settle. Don’t reveal anxiety. ★★★★ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Take care of personal papers, assets and debts. Use your connection­s to find out the informatio­n required to help save you money. Don’t let a partner use emotional manipulati­on to coerce you into spending on something you don’t need. ★★★ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

Use your imaginatio­n, but not to manipulate others. It’s important to be clear about what you want and what you expect if you are going to be successful in both personal and profession­al partnershi­ps. Love and romance will enhance your life. ★★★

Birthday Baby: You are inventive, experiment­al and intelligen­t. You are sophistica­ted and adaptable.

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