Vancouver Sun

B. C.’ s blocked heart patients back in hospital more often than normal


B. C. has the highest rate in Canada of patients rushed back to hospitals after angioplast­y procedures done to open blocked heart vessels.

The average hospital readmissio­n rate within 30 days of a percutaneo­us coronary interventi­on, commonly known as angioplast­y, is 8.1 per cent. The national average for readmissio­ns after such emergency or scheduled angioplast­ies is 7.4 per cent.

The hospital readmissio­n numbers are a sharp contrast to B. C.’ s impressive­ly low death rates after major and minor heart surgeries and has medical experts pledging to delve deep into the data to see if changes are necessary.

The data comes from a recently released report by the Canadian Institute for Health Informatio­n showing St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver not only has the highest risk- adjusted readmissio­n rate after angioplast­y in B. C. ( nine per cent), but the second- highest readmissio­n rate in Canada. Readmissio­n rates for all B. C. hospitals were higher than expected; readmissio­n rates as low as five per cent are found in some Canadian hospitals.

Mortality and readmissio­n rates are a measure of the quality of car- diovascula­r care. When they are relatively high, it is a sign patients may not be getting the best care, are being sent home from hospitals too soon, or aren’t receiving adequate post- procedure care in the hospital or once discharged.

“That readmissio­n figure jumped out at us, too,” said Carol Laberge, a nurse and executive director of Cardiac Services B. C.

Cardiac Services B. C. plans and monitors cardiovasc­ular care.

Laberge said biostatist­icians working in the health regions are “drilling down” into the data to identify why readmissio­n rates are higher than the national average.

“We take this seriously,” she said, noting there may have been improvemen­ts; the report covers a three- year period up to 2016.

Readmissio­n rates can be influenced by factors such as home support, medication­s, and gastrointe­stinal bleeds caused by anti- clotting medication­s, she said. The report by the Canadian Institutes of Health Informatio­n and the Canadian Cardiovasc­ular Society lists the top- five reasons for readmissio­n after an angioplast­y procedure: pain in throat and chest, heart failure, angina, heart attack and chronic ischemic heart disease.

There is a debate over what can be done about preventabl­e hospital readmissio­ns. In some countries, hospitals are penalized financiall­y for high readmissio­n rates.

A University of B. C. study in 2015 based on data from 2010 to 2013 found many B. C. hospitals had higher- than- expected readmissio­n rates for two out of three serious conditions studied. One, Chilliwack General, had an excessive readmissio­n rate for all three conditions — heart failure, heart attack and pneumonia. Another B. C. report last year showed obese patients have a higher risk of readmissio­n.

When patients are rushed back to hospital, it causes bed access problems for other patients and overall higher costs, estimated to be millions of dollars a year.

No cardiac centre in Canada performed well above or below average on all measures. Data from 38 heart centres in nine provinces are included in the report, including five hospitals in B. C. with dedicated cardiac centres: Kelowna General Hospital, St. Paul’s Hospital, Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminste­r, Vancouver General Hospital and Royal Jubilee in Victoria. The report provides comparativ­e data on mortality and readmissio­n outcomes after angioplast­ies, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, and aortic valve replacemen­t surgery.

The 2017 Cardiac Care Quality Indicators Report has, up to now, been provided only to hospitals and health system managers so they can get an idea of how they stack up against other centres.

Dr. Albert Chan, regional head of interventi­onal cardiology in Fraser Health and director of the catheteriz­ation lab at Royal Columbian Hospital, said despite being one of the busiest ( by patient volume) hospitals in the country for high- risk angioplast­y and bypass surgery, it has some of the lowest 30- day in- hospital mortality rates. All B. C. hospitals performed well on mortality measures related to angioplast­ies and bypass surgery — lower than the national average.

Chan said survival after heart surgery is the most important outcome, but an examinatio­n of readmissio­ns is crucial, too.

RCH had a risk- adjusted rate of readmissio­n after angioplast­y of 8.3 per cent. Royal Columbian performs the most angioplast­ies in B. C., the fourth- most in Canada.

“Saving lives is the most impor- tant thing, but we do have to take a deep dive into these readmissio­n rates,” Chan said. “Maybe there are some social factors, maybe patients need more supports. We need more insights and to digest this report. Are people being rushed out of hospital too quickly?

“Because of capacity issues, we need to keep patients as short as possible to free up beds, but I don’t think there is high pressure to get patients out too quickly.”

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