Vancouver Sun



1 Mined 5 Cents 9 Male 13 Sum 14 Ceded 15 Peeks 16 Mustard 18 Whit 19 We 20 Writes 22 Meet 23 Bass 24 Handsome 27 Tale 29 Knows 32 Missal 34 Lickers 36 Sites 38 Clothes 39 Rolls 40 Bate 41 Throe 42 Lodes 43 Wring 44 Flour 46 Hoes 48 Blew 49 Hews 51 Sine 53 Re 56 Flea 59 Rhodes 60 Slight 63 Inn 64 Dun 65 Steak 66 Chute 67 Instants 68 Bye DOWN

1 Heisman winner Newton 2 On 3 Broccoli ___ 4 English poet Sitwell 5 Introspect­ive query 6 Not pay attention during a lecture, say 7 She’s sheared 8 ___ the Giant, first inductee in the W. W. E. Hall of Fame 9 It starts “On my honor,

I will do my best …” 10 Watson or Thompson of 2017’ s “Beauty and the Beast” 11 Diamond with 21 platinum albums 12 Army awards just below Medals of Honor: Abbr. 15 One for whom work is play? 17 Ones spinning webs? 21 Comment during bidding 23 Troubles with timber 24 Bills that one doesn’t mind piling up 25 Believed with no questions asked 26 Megaphone noise

28 ___ Sea, body greatly diminished by Russian irrigation projects 30 Some works at MoMA and the Art Institute of Chicago 31 Big name in household appliances 33 160 acres per farmer, in the Homestead Act of 1862 35 Classical rebuke 37 Fastforwar­ded, with “up” 39 Max ___, popular video game series of the 2000s 43 Vice president after Biden 45 Declaratio­n on a Chinese menu 47 Grayish to yellowish brown 50 One who may order an operation, informally 52 Designer Donna 53 Pleased 54 Priest from on high?

55 “Are you ___ out?” 56 Kramer and Kramer, in “Kramer vs. Kramer” 57 Material for a mountain cabin

58 ___ James, 2008 Beyoncé role 61 One of the Gabors of old Hollywood 62 Suffix with saw

 ??  ??

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