Vancouver Sun

Scientists can still be people of faith


The director of the Vatican Observator­y, Brother Guy Consolmagn­o, wears a Jesuit’s collar and a science graduate’s ring from the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology — and sees no conflict in that. The notion that science and faith are separate silos not only isn’t true, it has never been true, the planetary scientist says — they are just different ways of explaining the observable world. Barriers that have grown between scientists and people of faith should be broken down, he says.

Consolmagn­o pursues astronomic­al research with the full support of the Vatican. He is in Vancouver this week to deliver a talk on the joy of scientific discovery called Why Do We Look Up To The Heavens at UBC on Wednesday.

This interview has been edited for length.

Q Do faith and science have to be in conflict?

A Too many public scientists are insecure about their rank as scientists. The scientists that you see on TV who are proclaimed atheists because they think it gives them credibilit­y in science — which it doesn’t — are turning off the nine-10ths of the population that don’t call themselves atheists. Carl Sagan said “an atheist is someone who knows more than I do.” Even he had to admit that he just didn’t know about the existence of God.

Q Would it benefit the conversati­on if more scientists came out as people of faith?

A I was surprised when some of my (scientist) colleagues told me about the churches they attend. I think it would be a great benefit to science and to religion for them to publicly proclaim in their churches that they are scientists. That’s where it needs to happen. Those are the people who need to hear that science is for everybody. I would never want anyone to say, “You can’t do that research because you’re the wrong religion.” Science isn’t just for old white men who claim to be atheists.

Q Was it ever not OK with the church to imagine life on other worlds?

A As far as I can tell it has never been a problem. Throughout human history, people have always assumed there is life elsewhere. It was only the humanists that wanted to say that human beings were the pinnacle of universe. Christians have the tradition of angels, non-corporeal beings, created by God. What could be more science fictional than that?

Q What is the most fascinatin­g thing about the evidence of planets around other stars?

A As students 40 years ago, we were able to use the theories of the day to explain what we saw in our solar system, why planets were all in the same plane, why rocky planets were on the inside orbits and gas giants in the outer part. Beautiful theories — now we’ve found other systems where most of this stuff is just not true. Most of those planets are in a size gap between Earth and Neptune we thought wasn’t even possible.

Q So, is it safe to say there are some serious gaps in our knowledge of astrophysi­cs?

A It is, and this is why it’s so important to search for life on other planets. Only then will we understand what life is and the fundamenta­l chemistry of that. It could well be that our ideas about why life is here on Earth are just as wrong as our ideas about why solar systems were the way they were.

Q With this so-called second moon in orbit and the asteroid Oumuamua 2017 U1 whizzing by, our local space is feeling a little crowded. Should we do something about that?

A Well, whoever you send to blow up an asteroid isn’t coming back. But more importantl­y, we won’t know if an asteroid is going to hit us until it’s quite close and you are never really sure. If it’s got a 50-50 chance of hitting us and you blow it up into a schmillion pieces, you go from 50 per cent chance that it will hit us to a 100 per cent chance that half of it is going to hit.

Q What is missing from teachings about the historical tension between science and the church?

A The only example anyone can come up with is Galileo, and everything you think you know about Galileo is wrong. However, the truth doesn’t make the church look any better. The Catholic Church praised Galileo for 20 years and then suddenly he got into trouble. Why? Well, there are about 400 books about him and they all have different answers. It was probably political. Copernicus published his astronomic­al model (placing the Sun at the centre of the solar system) 70 years before Galileo proposed it and the church never had a problem with that.

Q How is the climate for scientific inquiry at the Vatican?

A The climate is fantastic and the goal is to show the world that the church supports science. My assignment when I arrived was: “Do good science, period.” I worked for 20 years living off NASA grants before I entered the Jesuits. Back in those days, I did the science that they were willing to pay for, and I had to have results within a three-year grant period or else. Now, I have complete freedom to choose my research, follow it through and find out what the truth is.

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Brother Guy Consolmagn­o

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