Vancouver Sun




1 Freighter hazard 5 Source of light 9 Woolen caps 13 Helm position 14 Not a team player 15 Soothing herb 16 Library ID 17 Whisper on stage 18 Pain in the neck 19 Held up 21 Pool length 22 Slippery — — eel 23 Kick back 25 Big black dogs 27 Spanish crooner Julio — 31 Marina sight 35 Dutch colonist 36 Frostbitte­n 38 Foofaraw 39 Joule fraction 40 Wheat or rye 42 Undergrad degs. 43 From square one 46 Golden Fleece vessel 47 Family members 48 Thawed 50 Like many gift shops 52 Nefertiti’s god 54 It has rings 55 MP prey 58 New England catch 60 Creepycraw­ly 64 Chevalier musical 65 Leafy vines 67 Painted tinware 68 Earthenwar­e jar 69 Animal restraint 70 Well-known auth. 71 Hidden valley 72 Miss Cinders of the comics 73 Mach 1 breakers of yore


1 Kettle handle 2 “Born Free” lioness 3 Soldiers in gray 4 Not so tough 5 — Cabos, Mex. 6 Dye-yielding plant 7 Hero’s award 8 End a mortgage early 9 Hot sauce 10 Sorrowful wail 11 Actress — Freeman 12 In full view 14 Dipping 20 Aurora, to Socrates 24 Ms. Dern of film 26 “—, humbug!” 27 Steel girder (hyph.) 28 Canyon 29 By the book 30 Well-dressed 32 Boxcar riders 33 U of U.N. fame 34 Given to back talk 37 Zealot 41 Strengthen 44 Milan tongue 45 Mesh fabric 47 Noonday naps 49 Submissive 51 Toon Chihuahua 53 Work of fiction 55 Excited 56 Stubbornne­ss 57 Eye amorously 59 Clock’s front 61 Untold centuries 62 Sour, as cream 63 Gymnasts’ goals 66 Juan’s “that”

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