Vancouver Sun

Most people parent puppies and kids the same way

Similar upbringing­s produce similar results for kids, dogs, says Rebecca Ledger.


Sit at the dog park for a while, and you’ll see a plethora of puppy parenting styles before you.

Some owners will be fully engaged with their dogs, using the off-leash opportunit­y to work on their dog ’s re-call training and basic manners training with strangers. Others will enjoy watching their dogs run and play freely with other dogs under their watchful eye. And then, sadly, there are those owners who sit looking at their smartphone­s or chatting to fellow dog owners, oblivious to whether their pups are bullying other dogs, running off with someone else’s ball, or stealing someone else’s treat bag.

It isn’t lost on many of us that these varied approaches to canine caretaking might echo how people parent their children. But, are these parallels valid? And, as with children, does the way in which people parent their dogs affect their welfare and ultimate success in life?

The potential for these similariti­es to occur led researcher­s at Wageningen University and Research in The Netherland­s to study whether these comparison­s are indeed well-founded, and if so, to what degree (published in PLOS One, February 2018).

The researcher­s adapted the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionna­ire — developed to assess parenting styles in parents of children — to assess comparable traits in 518 Dutch dog owners. The results revealed difference­s, but also distinct similariti­es in the dimensions that are used to assess parenting styles for kids.

Both the child and dog-adapted questionna­ires assessed two dimensions related to parenting: Demandingn­ess and Responsive­ness.

How a parent rates from low to high for demandingn­ess represents how much structure and order the parent provides for their child (known as monitoring) and the degree to which they teach their child to behave well and enforce rules in a goalorient­ed, reasonable way. It’s not hard to imagine how a pet parent who rates high for demandingn­ess might interact with their pets — these are the committed owners, who train their dogs using positive methods, and who watch their pets carefully at the dog park.

Interestin­gly, the Wageningen researcher­s found that not only did pet owners demonstrat­e this same trait, but also that all of the dog owners they assessed rated high on this characteri­stic. It’s not that some owners can’t be neglectful, but as the researcher­s explained, in their study population, only devoted owners who were willing to complete a long questionna­ire about their pets were surveyed.

The second dimension of responsive­ness represents the amount of emotional warmth and supportive action the parent provides when a child wants or needs something. Again, the researcher­s found that pet owners demonstrat­e this trait as well, but this time, there was far more variation in terms of how responsive pet owners were toward their dogs.

Pet owners who rated high for both responsive­ness and demandingn­ess were considered analogous to the parenting style labelled “authoritat­ive” — a parenting style, which for children, has been linked with optimal academic competence, the lowest levels of misconduct and delinquenc­y, and the best self-esteem and well-being.

In contrast, pet owners who rated low for both responsive­ness and high for demandingn­ess were considered analogous to the parenting group labelled “authoritar­ian” — a more punishment-based parenting style, epitomized by living with high expectatio­ns and strict rules. For dogs, this is the interactio­n style associated with using choke chains, shock collars and other harsh corrective methods.

But, as yet, the way in which these puppy-parenting styles affect the long-term behaviour and welfare of dogs is unknown. The researcher­s speculate that, much like with children, that the authoritat­ive style is likely the most conducive to having happy, well-behaved pets, and that this is something that can be taught to anyone looking to get a new dog.

When we consider that almost all pet owners regard their pets as their children or at least, part of the family, it’s perhaps no wonder that so many parallels between child and pet interactio­n styles exist.

Rebecca Ledger is an animal behaviour scientist, and sees cats and dogs with behaviour problems on veterinary referral across the Lower Mainland. She can be reached at

 ??  ?? A recent study looks at how varied approaches to canine caretaking might echo how people parent their children.
A recent study looks at how varied approaches to canine caretaking might echo how people parent their children.

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