Vancouver Sun

Changes to ICBC will ruin people’s lives

Crown corporatio­n profits by denying, limiting claims, Daniel Balkaran says.

- Daniel A. Balkaran is a lawyer with Granger & Company, a boutique law firm specializi­ng in personal injury litigation.

Regarding the NDP’s changes to ICBC:

1. Caps make injured people pay for their injuries Money is awarded to the injured party in compensati­on for his or her injuries caused by the fault of someone else. This award must be context-specific. For example: the fractured hand of a lawyer is worth substantia­lly less than the fractured hand of a piano player.

2. Insurance companies profit by limiting claims Insurance companies get paid by denying or limiting claims. Their financial interests are adverse to those of claimants.

3. Insurance = Pooled funds to hedge against risk People who engage in an inherently risky activity, such as driving, agree to pool funds to hedge against said risk happening to them. If that risk materializ­es, they draw on the pooled funds in an amount proportion­al to the damage incurred. The point of insurance is to safeguard a future victim from loss. Capped insurance safeguards against catastroph­ic injury only.

4. Punish distracted drivers before capping injuries Car accident volume in British Columbia has increased by 23 per cent over the last several years because of distracted driving. Much of ICBC’s fiscal shortfall is squarely due to this accident volume increase.

5. Limit skyrocketi­ng repair costs before capping injuries Twenty years ago replacing a damaged bumper cost $100 in parts and labour. Now, that same bumper has a camera and a computer in it, raising repair costs by many thousands of dollars.

6. ICBC layoffs should be tried before punishing victims In business, when liabilitie­s exceed revenues over a sustained period, costs must be cut to prevent bankruptcy. Neither the NDP nor ICBC has discussed laying off nonessenti­al ICBC staff to plug its fiscal hole. A private business would have no choice but to slim down. Damages caps reward ICBC inefficien­cy and guarantee that it will continue.

7. Judges can’t be wrong In our society, unless appealed, a judge’s decision is inherently correct. It can’t be wrong. ICBC’s campaign painting recent award increases for victims as being unjustifie­d is disingenuo­us.

8. Damages caps are a Trojan horse: the CRT will ruin lives Recently, the government announced that all claims under $50,000 will be adjudicate­d by the Civil Resolution Tribunal. Fees and expenses (including medical experts) that the injured party can spend proving his or her injuries will be limited. Lawyer participat­ion may be limited.

In my opinion, ICBC classifies most claims as being worth less than $50,000.

My law firm recently settled an injury claim for $390,000, in large part because our client’s injuries prevented him from working in the field he had gone to trade school for. A few months before trial ICBC’s offer was $30,000. ICBC did not understand his injuries because they were not incentiviz­ed to do so.

To prove the extent and value of his injuries, we had to hire his surgeon, various medical experts, a functional capacity evaluator, a vocational expert, and an economist to write expert reports. ICBC only paid out his award because we proved the extent of his injuries and their future impact on his life.

Under the new ICBC system, our client would likely have been forced to accept $30,000 in compensati­on. This result would have ruined his life. Condemned to part-time work in underpayin­g labour positions, his future existence would have been near the poverty line.

ICBC is not a neutral party. It profits by denying and limiting claims. These incentives make securing fair compensati­on inherently adversaria­l. By limiting litigation expenses, medical experts, and lawyer participat­ion, the NDP will remove the adversaria­l process from claim adjudicati­on. ICBC will have a free hand to limit the claims of most injury victims, not just those with so-called minor injuries. This legislatio­n will ruin lives.

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