Vancouver Sun

Researcher­s awarded for ID’ing cause of ‘curse’

- Holly McKenzie-Sutter

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. • A research team was honoured Wednesday for identifyin­g the cause of the “Newfoundla­nd curse” — a deadly heart condition that has afflicted Newfoundla­nd families for centuries.

The condition, known to the medical community as arrhythmog­enic right ventricula­r cardiomyop­athy, is a genetic cardiac muscle disorder that often shows no symptoms before sudden cardiac arrest.

A team from Memorial University of Newfoundla­nd received the Governor General’s Innovation Award for leading research that identified the genetic mutation and the cause of the lethal heart attacks.

The team also developed a blood screening test for people at risk.

“It really is a life-saving kind of research endeavour,” said Daryl Pullman, who is being honoured along with fellow researcher­s TerryLynn Young, Kathy Hodgkinson and Sean Connors.

“We’re accepting the award on behalf of many others, on behalf of the many families who have participat­ed, coming forward to donate their samples and their histories.”

ARVC affects people worldwide, but there is a concentrat­ion in Newfoundla­nd, where the mutation has already been specifical­ly linked to more than two dozen families.

Many people with the condition feel perfectly healthy before the fatal heart attack.

By age 50, 80 per cent of men and 20 per cent of women with ARVC die. Pullman said it has claimed the lives of men in their late teens and early twenties.

As well as developing a blood test to detect the previously hidden condition, the team also developed a preventati­ve treatment for the disease.

Connors, a cardiologi­st, developed a small defibrilla­tor to be inserted into the heart that can recognize abnormal rhythms and restore the heart to its regular pattern before a heart attack can happen.

Pullman said the award recognizes work that began two decades ago.

Hodgkinson was working with families in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador, collecting their blood samples and family stories, when she learned that similar research had already begun. Researcher­s from Texas had visited the province and left with blood samples and personal medical informatio­n, but never reported back with their findings.

Pullman, a medical ethics professor, came on board to tackle the ethical oversight aspect of the project. He helped create unique legislatio­n in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador that requires all medical research done in the province to be reviewed locally.

“It was a major issue for us in Newfoundla­nd. Researcher­s were coming from outside the province, taking valuable informatio­n with them, but not sharing it with local people,” said Pullman.

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