Vancouver Sun

French slaughterh­ouses in actresses’ crosshairs


PARIS Actresses Brigitte Bardot and Sophie Marceau are leading campaigns for mandatory cameras in French slaughterh­ouses and a ban on the sale of eggs from caged hens as France’s parliament began debating a food industry bill.

Thirteen animal rights associatio­ns have called on lawmakers to add the slaughterh­ouse and cage regulation­s to the legislatio­n. In an open letter, they argued that both measures were campaign promises of French President Emmanuel Macron.

The Bardot Foundation released a video in which the former French film star, a longtime animal rights activist, expresses her “revolt at the way animals are slaughtere­d” and notes she hasn’t eaten meat for 40 years.

In a separate video released Monday, former James Bond girl Marceau endorses the ban on eggs from caged hens. The video includes footage shot by animal rights activists that shows hens crammed into tiny cages with the carcasses of dead birds.

The government’s bill strengthen­s the penalties for animal abuse. It would double the possible sentence to one year in prison and a fine equivalent to about US$22,500.

In recent years, a string of undercover videos has revealed shocking slaughterh­ouse conditions in the country, showing various abuses of pigs, cows, sheep and hens.

Under former president François Hollande, the lower house of parliament approved a bill ordering cameras in slaughterh­ouses. The legislatio­n was abandoned when Macron took office last year.

Legislatio­n making video cameras mandatory in slaughterh­ouses in England, but not the rest of the United Kingdom, took effect this month.

French agricultur­e minister Stéphane Travert, speaking Sunday on France Inter radio, said cameras wouldn’t be helpful, asserting it’s not possible to determine based on the footage “whether yes or no the animal is actually suffering.”

Travert also said he wants hen cages to progressiv­ely disappear rather than imposing a ban.

“I’m for a fair compromise and for negotiatio­n,” he said.

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