Vancouver Sun



Roses are stunning to look at and smell, but did you know that they’re also reportedly good for your skin?

Rose hip and rose oils are rich in nutrients such as vitamins E and C, which can help soothe and moisturize skin. So, when we heard about the Rose Infinity Facial, which incorporat­es unique ingredient­s including plant stem cells, soy and yeast proteins with a current technology machine, our interest was piqued.

Using exclusivel­y products from the Rose Infinity line from Aromathera­py Associates, this luxurious treatment includes layers of products and massage techniques for a full sensorial experience.

Beginning with cleansing and toning, the experience includes several tailored masks applied to the skin to improve the overall tone, firmness and complexion.

While the pleasantly scented products are a divine treat, it’s the “bespoke” massage techniques used by the practition­er that sets this facial apart from the rest.

Focused on circulatio­n stimulatio­n and reducing puffiness, the practition­er expertly fluttered and massaged her fingertips around the face, neck and shoulders, ushering in a sense of total relaxation. Fans of especially lengthy scalp and neck attention will likely be pleased to hear this treatment doesn’t skimp on the head-and-shoulders tension relief.

The incorporat­ion of the Aroma Radiance Lift machine, which offers a range of micro-current, galvanic-current and highfreque­ncy current depending on the desired results, was unique. Used primarily on targeted areas of concern such as the eyes and mouth area, where fine lines and wrinkles are more prone to appear, the silent, painless pulses left skin feeling instantly more toned and tightened.

After the treatment, we noticed skin felt more smooth, looked more hydrated, and it stayed that way for several days after the treatment.

 ??  ?? The Rose Infinity Facial doesn’t skimp on the head-andshoulde­rs tension relief.
The Rose Infinity Facial doesn’t skimp on the head-andshoulde­rs tension relief.

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