Vancouver Sun

There are many reasons why the whole family should check out Adults Are So Last Year, writes Shawn Conner.


1. Kids play free

Now in its third year, Adults Are So Last Year is an opportunit­y for kids of all ages to learn about art and create their own. As Western Front’s Carie Helm notes, it’s also an opportunit­y for young families in the changing neighbourh­ood of Mount Pleasant to meet and hang out. In addition, sausages and ice cream will be served on the back deck.

2. Thaumatrop­es

In one of this year’s workshops, Lianne Zannier and Heather Smith help kids make thaumatrop­es. Popular in the 19th century, a thaumatrop­e is a disc with a picture on each side. The disk is attached to two pieces of string; spinning the disc creates an optical illusion as the two pictures appear to blend into one.

3. Toy orchestra

Sound artist Alanna Ho creates music via a collection of vintage analog toys, and instructs kids on drawing a score that can be played by a toy orchestra. At her Sound Table, Ho demonstrat­es how to make sounds with ordinary household objects.

4. Fabric-dying

Artists Derya Akay and Vivienne Bessette lead a fabric-dying workshop that will show kids how to make patterns and imprints on fabric using flowers and natural dyes.

5. The Green Horn

The costumed youth community marching band puts on three performanc­es in nearby Dude Chilling Park and outside the Western Front.

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