Vancouver Sun



If you have the feeling that your memory and thought processes are slipping away, it might be time for you to do something about it. The little Clear BrainTM tablet based on natural ingredient­s brings vitamins directly to your brain memory part in hours.

Nourishing your brain

Brain cells need nourishmen­t or they start to deteriorat­e and lose the ability to properly transmit messages to each other (neuro transmissi­on). This is when we start to experience confusion, brain fog, and forgetfuln­ess.

Nature’s brain booster

In nature, we find unique plants that can greatly nourish and affect our mental health. Some plants enhance mental performanc­e, some protect the nervous system and some improve long-term cognitive ability. New Nordic has combined key brain boosting extracts in the supplement Clear BrainTM. The small but powerful tablets contain:

GINGKO BILOBA - Proven memory boosting ability

POMEGRANAT­E EXTRACT – Powerful protective action and enhancemen­t of cognitive ability

WALNUT EXTRACT – Vital omega 3 content for better brain signaling

L-THEANINE – Optimizing brain wave activity for immediate mental clarity

PINE BARK EXTRACT – Enhanced blood flow

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