Vancouver Sun


A week after Iranian missiles downed a plane near Tehran, killing all 176 on board including at least 14 people with ties to Metro, mourners gathered Tuesday evening for a Seventh Day vigil in North Vancouver.


Michael McCain, chief executive of Canadian meat giant Maple Leaf Foods, grabbed the limelight but he was not alone in blaming U.S. President Donald Trump for pushing a domino that went on to knock a passenger jet filled with Canadians out of the sky.

U.S. Congresswo­man Jackie Speier said the disaster was “collateral damage” of Trump’s provocativ­e sabre-rattling. Iran’s president, while making arrests, spread the blame, saying the U.S. “caused such an incident to take place.”

Twitter users, of course, furiously apportione­d blame: to Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani for threatenin­g Americans, to Trump for killing him, to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for retaliatin­g.

Others condemned the idiot who fired the missiles that shot down Ukraine Internatio­nal Airlines Flight 752 over Tehran and the airline for continuing to operate.

In a sense, they may all be completely right and utterly wrong.

“There is a difference between causal responsibi­lity and moral responsibi­lity,” said Scott Matthews, a professor who studies public opinion and political psychology at Memorial University of Newfoundla­nd.

“These things are connected causally. But is there a sense in which the president is morally responsibl­e? We tend to think that moral responsibi­lity is about foreseeabl­e consequenc­es of your actions. It is at that level that we decide someone’s behaviour is blameworth­y or creditwort­hy.”

At this level, it becomes less clear.

With distance, catastroph­ic events can be traced through layers of cause and effect to find an ever widening or increasing­ly obscure antecedent to finger as the reason behind something.

There can be an infinite regression, such as is often done for the causes of the First World War.

Was it Gavrilo Princip, the teenaged assassin of Archduke Franz Ferdinand? Or was it German militarism? Or was it the archduke’s vanity for sewing his coat’s lapel to its lining for a svelte appearance that delayed medical treatment after he was shot?

It is a trope of time-travel science fiction that changing one small thing in the past goes on to inadverten­tly produce fundamenta­l reorganiza­tion in the future.

Thinking of cause and effect on a narrower scale conjures a scenario of us inviting a guest to dinner who is then struck and killed by a drunk driver on his way over.

Are we to blame for his death? Emotionall­y we might lament that if we hadn’t extended the invitation, our friend would still be alive, but logically we must realize we could not have foreseen such an outcome.

Our invitation may have helped bring his death, but the drunk driver bears the moral responsibi­lity.

It could be seen as a thought puzzle, except the loss in this incident is so grave and the grief so fresh it is difficult to suggest it is anything approximat­ing a game.

So McCain is not alone when, in his anguish over an employee’s loss of family on Flight 752, he publicly assessed the blame as “the collateral damage of this irresponsi­ble, dangerous, ill-conceived behaviour” of Trump, who ordered the strike that killed Soleimani and set the region further off kilter.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau echoed that view of wide responsibi­lity.

“If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families,” Trudeau said in an interview with Global News.

Outgoing Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer responded: “The blame for this horrible atrocity lies with the Iranian Regime alone.”

These are both views on causal links.

If Trump’s actions are a cause, then so is the retaliatio­n by Iran. And then also, each in turn, the threat of a harsh response from the United States if Iran sought revenge and the heightened defensive stance by the Iranian military.

It is the sort of thing that can make the world a fragile place.

“Certainly there is a causal responsibi­lity on both sides, but who is morally responsibl­e here? It is far less clear,” said Matthews.

“A lot of different forces had to conspire to bring down that aircraft.”

People, Matthews said, often lash out in anger and frustratio­n when they face calamity.

They look to place blame as a way of coping.

“All of us want to have a satisfying explanatio­n when bad things happen. And people want to vent a bit as well when they are upset.”

Our fingers often point first and fastest to where we are predispose­d to distrust or dislike.

For some, that would be Trump, for others the Iranian regime.

Others’ anger will likely settle on other players in this tragedy.

Bruce MacKinnon, cartoonist for the Chronicle Herald newspaper in Nova Scotia, published an image on the weekend that captured the essence of this blame game.

It shows Trump and Khamenei pointing smoking guns at each other. Between them lays the body of a dead Canadian with two bullet wounds.

“The short form of the message of this image is, these two men share the blame for this,” MacKinnon told CBC.

It perhaps says something about the process of apportioni­ng blame that while some in the West blame Trump for setting the stage for the Iranian missile to be fired at the airliner, some protesters in Iran are condemning their own leaders’ irresponsi­bility for the atrocity.

In this, perhaps Trump and Khamenei will find they share something in common.


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