Vancouver Sun

The one-time heart of shale may never boom again with Dakota access shut


It was once the centre of America’s shale boom — a vast reservoir of crude unleashed by hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, turning North Dakota into the second-largest oil producer in the U.S. and helping transform the nation into the world’s largest supplier.

These days, the Bakken is looking like anything but a boom. Drilling in the once-prolific shale formation straddling North Dakota, Montana and parts of Canada has all but halted — another victim of the pandemic that sapped fuel demand worldwide.

Output is believed to have fallen by as much as half a million barrels a day this year. Even before the virus, drillers there were struggling to compete with fast-improving margins in Texas’s Permian Basin. Now, the looming shutdown of the Dakota Access pipeline that carries more than a third of the region’s oil to market threatens to keep the play from booming ever again.

“This court ruling will create major obstacles for producers in North Dakota, who’ve been struggling to rebound,” said Sandy Fielden, director of research for Morningsta­r Inc. The buyers of Bakken crude, he said, will simply turn elsewhere for supplies once the pipeline dries up.

On Monday, a U.S. district court ruled that Energy Transfer LP’s Dakota Access pipeline will have to shut by Aug. 5. If the ruling survives appeals, it would be the first time a major pipeline in service was ordered shut because of environmen­tal concerns. Exactly how long it will be down is unclear — the court has decided it should remain closed until a proper environmen­tal review is complete. That process could extend into 2021.

One thing’s clear: The closure will be devastatin­g for the Bakken, which once jostled to become the nation’s most prolific crude-producing field and defined the careers of some of the most well-known titans of shale including Continenta­l Resources Inc.’s Harold Hamm and Whiting Petroleum Corp.’s former chairman, Jim Volker.

Dakota Access, which started up in 2017, was fundamenta­l to advancing North Dakota’s oil production. Output grew to a record volume of 1.52 million barrels a day in November but has fallen since the spread of the coronaviru­s devastated demand.

The state expects crude output in May probably fell below 1 million barrels a day for the first time since 2017.

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