Vancouver Sun

California­n Harris also claims roots in Montreal

- Postmedia News, with files from Reuters

Leonard Cohen is no longer the most famous graduate of Montreal’s Westmount High School. Kamala Harris, the U.S. senator from California named on Tuesday as Joe Biden’s running mate for the Democratic presidenti­al ticket, spent a good portion of her early life in Montreal, and graduated from Westmount High in 1981.

The move to Montreal from California was precipitat­ed when her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a breast cancer specialist, landed research work at the Jewish General Hospital and a teaching job at McGill University.

Harris, 55, makes history as the first Black woman and Asian-American on a major presidenti­al ticket.

Her own presidenti­al bid had ended in December. After a strong start, Harris’ campaign quickly foundered amid strategic somersault­s.

First positionin­g herself as a progressiv­e in the mould of reformers such as Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, Harris then tried to tack toward the centre. Her position on health care, for example, became a mishmash.

“She was trying to play the middle a little bit and trying to be all things to all people,” said Joel Payne, a Democratic strategist who worked for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

But in the months since, she emerged as a fierce advocate for police reform and social justice — in the Senate, in the streets, and on the airwaves, sparring with Republican­s on the Senate floor and offering fiery critiques of President Donald Trump.

Now, Payne said, “There is a little more of a defined voice. There’s more clarity to her public persona.”

Her background in law enforcemen­t — she had served as a prosecutor and California state attorney general — had been seen as a vulnerabil­ity early in the race for the party’s nomination.

But her work of late has impressed some past doubters who say she did not do enough to investigat­e police shootings and too often sided with prosecutor­s in wrongful conviction cases in the past.

Harris’s entry in the 1981 Westmount High yearbook has little to suggest Harris would reach such lofty heights in U.S. politics.

She seemed more preoccupie­d with a return to California and “dancing with Super Six,” although she gave props to her mom and advice to her sis: “Be cool, MAYA!”

The family had moved to Montreal when Kamala Harris was 12; in her memoir she seemed ambivalent at best about moving north.

“The thought of moving away from sunny California in February, in the middle of the school year, to a French-speaking foreign city covered in 12 feet of snow was distressin­g, to say the least,” she wrote.

“My mother tried to make it sound like an adventure, taking us to buy our first down jackets and mittens, as though we were going to be explorers of the great northern winter. But it was hard for me to see it that way.”

 ?? SEAN RAYFORD / GETTY IMAGES ?? Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor and the junior U.S. senator for California, was revealed Tuesday as the vice presidenti­al running mate for Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden.
SEAN RAYFORD / GETTY IMAGES Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor and the junior U.S. senator for California, was revealed Tuesday as the vice presidenti­al running mate for Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden.

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