Vision (Canada)


- GREGG CHAMBERLAI­N gregg.chamberlai­

A dispute about insurance coverage between the United Counties of Prescott-Russell and the Ontario

Federation of Snowmobile Clubs has closed many popular snowmobile trails in the Prescott-Russell region.

“If we’re lucky, we’ll get something resolved for the local club,” said Louis Prévost, planning and forestry director for the United

Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR). “It’s a big part of our (winter) economy.”

The problem concerns a change that the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) wanted for the Certificat­e of Insurance (CI), which the UCPR requires each year to allow OFSC members to use the snowmobile trails in the Larose Forest, ride their machines on the Prescott-Russell Recreation­al Trail, and also along the rights-ofway of specific county roads. The certificat­e covers OFSC members on these routes in the UCPR, for the period from December to April, when the snow cover permits.

“To make sure their insurance covers any liability,” said Prévost, regarding the

requiremen­t for all other trail users.”

The problem began last year, before December, when the OFSC presented the UCPR with the insurance documents. Prévost said the documents had “informatio­n missing” regarding liability coverage.

“Basically, it would limit their (OFSC) exposure,” Prévost said, regarding insurance coverage in case an OFSC member has an

that we won’t get sued, or if we do, then the

have the proper (OFSC) insurance so the trails remain closed.”

the OFSC on its website states “there has been no change” to the insurance coverage and that “any informatio­n stating our coverage has been altered is false.” The OFSC alleges that trail-use agreements for some clubs made them liable for activities “unrelated to snowmobile trail operations.”

Prévost said that the agreement with the OFSC has always covered snowmobile use on UCPR trails just during the period from December to April, when trail conditions allowed. He also noted that the dispute over liability coverage is not limited to the UCPR.

 ??  ?? Les pistes de motoneige de la forêt Larose sont fermées et les travaux d’entretien des pistes suspendus, pendant que les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell et la Fédération des clubs de motoneiges de l’Ontario règlent un différend sur la couverture d’assurance responsabi­lité.
Les pistes de motoneige de la forêt Larose sont fermées et les travaux d’entretien des pistes suspendus, pendant que les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell et la Fédération des clubs de motoneiges de l’Ontario règlent un différend sur la couverture d’assurance responsabi­lité.

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