Waterloo Region Record

Trustees should have term limits


Re: Trustees would rather gang up on dissenter than focus on students — Sept. 23

As a former school board trustee, the problem lies not only with archaic trustee codes of conduct but also with senior administra­tion who manage the school boards. Everyone (trustees and senior administra­tion) is only interested in protecting the status quo. There is no critical thought, no questionin­g, no root-cause analysis of the real core problems. Protecting the status quo allows senior administra­tion and trustees to do whatever they want while never really fixing the problem. Trustees who want to fix problems or stand up for what is right have learned to keep their mouths shut or else, like Mike Ramsay, they face public humiliatio­n. Parents, students and ultimately society all suffer as a result.

There are only two ways to

really change the system for the better. To get real change we must demand that the provincial government allow non-educators to become senior administra­tion and, second, the government must put term limits on trustees. The education system as it stands now is too much of a self-serving clique and it desperatel­y needs new blood. Only the provincial government can legislate that change.

The provincial election is in two years. It is time that parents demand real change in how education is managed from all provincial parties. Janek Jagiellowi­cz Wellesley

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