Waterloo Region Record

Averting a mass extinction­s of animals

- This editorial first appeared in the Chicago Tribune.

In his book “Sapiens,” Yuval Noah Harari notes: “Long before the Industrial Revolution, Homo sapiens held the record among all organisms for driving the most plant and animal species to their extinction. We have the dubious distinctio­n of being the deadliest species in the annals of biology.”

From all indication­s, we are not about to be dethroned. A new study published in a journal of the National Academy of Sciences says nearly 200 species have vanished in the past century, and 9,000 have seen substantia­l reductions in their numbers. Only 7,000 cheetahs are left, and the population of West African lions is down to 400. Scientists suggest that Earth is well into the sixth mass extinction of the last half-billion years.

We are seeing “a massive erosion of the greatest biological diversity in the history of Earth,” which negatively affects the resources that sustain human life, says the article. The authors call for a reversal of “human overpopula­tion” and “overconsum­ption, especially by the rich.” One of the scholars, Paul Ehrlich of Stanford, told The Washington Post, “I am an alarmist.”

But the alarmism may be overdone. Ehrlich is infamous for erroneousl­y predicting imminent mass global famine in his 1968 book “The Population Bomb.” Humans turned out to be more adaptive and resourcefu­l than he expected then, and there is no reason to believe they won’t act to prevent the catastroph­e being predicted now.

Climate change is one significan­t factor in the loss of creatures, and the nations of the world have entered into an accord to combat it by curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Even without the participat­ion of the United States, that effort is bound to do some good — and it can be done without hobbling economic growth.

A materially richer world is likely to be a more ecological­ly conscienti­ous one. “The countries that are wealthiest do the most to protect habitat and species health,” says Reed Watson, executive director the Property and Environmen­t Research Center.

That’s because conservati­on is one of the things people come to value more and more as their disposable income grows. Poor nations can’t afford to worry so much about the plight of animals because they are preoccupie­d with feeding and housing people.

Humans are good at finding ways to protect the environmen­t and our fellow creatures when the need is there. When the federal Wilderness Act was passed in 1964, it designated 9 million acres of land as wilderness. Today, we have nearly 110 million acres that provide unspoiled habitat for innumerabl­e species. Other federal lands such as national parks and forests are also protected from most forms of developmen­t — amounting to more than one-seventh of all the land in the country. Neighbouri­ng residents have learned they can profit from tourists who come to hike remote woodland trails and see grizzly bears, eagles and wolves. All this is the fruit of prosperity, not poverty.

One challenge in saving species is devising methods that encourage humans to see animals as an asset, not a burden or danger. American bison, once hunted almost to extinction, have rebounded partly because ranchers raise them for food. Ocean fisheries have been rebuilt by limiting the annual harvest while granting fisherman transferab­le rights to a share of it — thus giving them a stake in conservati­on.

Namibia has boosted the number of black rhinoceros­es, once down to six, to more than 1,400, reports NPR, while doubling the numbers of both cheetahs and elephants. It has also virtually eliminated poaching. How? By enabling communitie­s to establish conservati­on areas and administer them in ways that benefit the people living there. One element that PERC’s Watson acknowledg­es is “counterint­uitive” is regulated trophy hunting, which generates income that rewards locals for protecting iconic species.

The report provides a sobering picture of how much irreversib­le damage could be done to worldwide biological diversity. Unlike other creatures, humans can consciousl­y shape the future. We should use ingenuity for the benefit of the countless creatures with which we share the Earth. That would also be good for our species.

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