Waterloo Region Record

Content knowledge is the foundation of quality education

- Michael Zwaagstra Michael Zwaagstra is a senior fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a public high school teacher, and author of “Content Knowledge is the Key to Learning.” Distribute­d by Troy Media

Content-rich instructio­n may not be as flashy as some of the educationa­l alternativ­es but it’s a whole lot more effective.

Educators have long debated the importance of specific content knowledge in the curriculum. Progressiv­e educators generally favour a non-content-specific learning process. Traditiona­l educators say all students should master a defined body of knowledge.

The 21st century learning movement, with its emphasis on noncontent-specific skills, such as critical thinking and creativity, is the latest manifestat­ion of the progressiv­e approach. A number of provinces — notably Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario — are making substantia­l curriculum changes to reflect the priorities of the 21st century learning movement. If this trend continues, content knowledge will get less emphasis in schools.

This shift away from content knowledge should give all Canadians cause for concern because such knowledge is essential in all subject areas and at all grade levels. There are several reasons why.

First, content knowledge is needed for reading comprehens­ion. Give students an article to read about a topic they know nothing about and they’ll struggle to understand it. But they’ll have little difficulty reading an article or book when they possess background knowledge about the topic. The more they already know, the more effectivel­y they can read and understand. Reading comprehens­ion depends on background knowledge.

Second, content knowledge makes critical thinking possible. In many schools, the developmen­t of critical thinking skills is considered more important than the acquisitio­n of specific content knowledge. However, this overlooks the fact that critical thinking can’t take place in the absence of specific content knowledge.

As a case in point, consider the recent proposal by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario to remove Sir John A. Macdonald’s name from public schools. Is this a good idea or not?

In order to think critically about this question, you need to know a lot of things about John A. Macdonald and the cultural context he lived in. Macdonald is considered a Father of Confederat­ion because of the very important role he played in bridging the divide between anglophone­s and francophon­es in mid-19th-century Canada. He also spearheade­d the constructi­on of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, which brought additional provinces into Confederat­ion, and fiercely protected our country from American military aggression. These are significan­t accomplish­ments.

At the same time, Macdonald was a deeply flawed man. He drank too much, took bribes from railroad companies, brazenly handed out plum patronage jobs to his political cronies, and created a residentia­l school system that harmed many Indigenous people. These flaws cannot be ignored. Rather, they must be weighed against his accomplish­ments.

People can’t think critically about something they know nothing about. While subject-specific content knowledge doesn’t guarantee critical thinking, it’s a prerequisi­te for critical thinking to take place.

Finally, content knowledge empowers students from disadvanta­ged background­s. Far too many students come to school from low socio-economic homes where they haven’t had the same learning opportunit­ies as their more affluent classmates. They enter school at a significan­t disadvanta­ge. However, schools can largely compensate for this gap by ensuring that all students receive content-rich instructio­n from an early age. Content-rich instructio­n is key to empowering students from disadvanta­ged background­s.

Protecting content knowledge in schools begins with provincial education department­s. Instead of reducing or downplayin­g the subject content, those who write curriculum guides must ensure that content at all grade levels is substantia­l and logically sequential.

Whether the subject is math, science, English language arts or social studies, there’s no excuse for providing teachers with nearly content-free curriculum guides.

At the local level, superinten­dents and principals should set a tone of support for content-rich instructio­n.

Students deserve the best education teachers can provide. Knowledge is powerful, and good teachers know how to make their subjects come alive.

By restoring knowledge to its rightful place, we can help ensure that all students receive a topquality education.

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