Waterloo Region Record

How cats, cockroache­s may cut asthma risk for kids

- Blythe Bernhard,

Kids living in houses with cats, mice and cockroache­s may have a lower risk of asthma, new research from Washington University shows.

The researcher­s looked at 442 kids living in the inner cities of St. Louis, Baltimore, Boston and New York City. They analyzed dust taken from the kids’ homes to measure the concentrat­ions of cockroach, mouse and cat allergens.

They found that higher levels of the allergens during infancy were associated with a lower risk of developing childhood asthma, a lung disease marked by inflammati­on in the airways.

The kids’ umbilical cord blood was also analyzed, and researcher­s found that those who had been exposed to tobacco smoke in utero had a higher risk of asthma. Higher asthma rates were also related to moms who reported higher levels of stress and depression.

“This study suggests we may not be focusing on the right targets for preventing asthma in the inner city,” said co-author Dr. Leonard Bacharier, a Washington University asthma specialist, in a statement.

“We may not need to worry about making sure the household environmen­t is maximally clean — in fact, it’s possible that could be counterpro­ductive. But helping women manage the challenges of mental health may make a difference.”

Since the study is based on observatio­ns, it cannot prove that any pet or pests can prevent or cause asthma. It merely suggests a potential link.

The research was published Friday in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. It was funded by the federal government and also included researcher­s at Boston University, Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, U.C. San Francisco and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The children in the study had at least one parent with asthma or allergies so they were at higher risk of developing the disease.

Nearly one-third of the children were diagnosed with asthma by age 7.

Cockroach allergens were found to be most protective against asthma, with mouse and cat allergens also showing a benefit.

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