Waterloo Region Record

Patrick Brown’s fall could be a blessing in disguise for PCs

MPP Vic Fedeli, the party’s longtime finance critic, comes to mind as a good choice for interim Conservati­ve leader


Suddenly, an Ontario election that looked wildly unpredicta­ble appears utterly confoundin­g.

The only certainty is that Patrick Brown’s dramatic decapitati­on as the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve candidate for premier is destined for the history books. No one, however, can foretell the province’s political future.

Never mind the partisans and pollsters who confidentl­y predicted a PC rout of a forlorn Liberal government. No one truly knew how Premier Kathleen Wynne would fare against the untested Brown or the NDP’s Andrea Horwath on the campaign trail, nor how voters would respond.

We know even less today. Tempting as it is to write off the Tories as leaderless, they are hardly rudderless — and may even enjoy a renaissanc­e.

At their moment of maximum disarray, a dislikable leader has been dispatched. If they can improve on their last disastrous choice — pollsters were already noting Brown’s creeping negative ratings, and the more than 44 per cent of Ontarians who had no opinion of him — the Tories may yet surprise people.

Put another way, the best thing Wynne and Horwath had going for them was Brown. Unlikeable, unknowable, unimpressi­ve as a politician and most especially as an aspiring premier.

But not to be underestim­ated. Brown surprised his rivals in the 2015 party leadership race by massively outhustlin­g and organizing them, signing up tens of thousands of instant Tories by reaching out to ethnic communitie­s. As leader, he picked up the pace by setting remarkable new fundraisin­g records.

Yet organizati­onal talent does not translate into political vision. Brown was not only bereft of charisma, he was utterly lacking in presence when he walked into a room.

The Tories can do better — and better late than never.

On Friday, the party caucus met to choose a replacemen­t for the disgraced Brown. If they choose well — MPP Vic Fedeli, the party’s longtime finance critic, comes to mind — they may get a second lease on life, for the party’s erratic lead in the polls has long seemed to be in spite of Brown.

If they choose poorly — falling for a famous but untested political rookie — they may be unable to contain the damage or execute their campaign plan. For all his faults, Brown had recruited some talented political operatives, such as chief of staff Alykhan Velshi, who had urged his boss to resign immediatel­y, and quit on principle when Brown didn’t (any new PC leader’s first act should be to rehire Velshi).

Even at their lowest moment Thursday, Ontario’s suddenly leaderless Progressiv­e Conservati­ves were pointing proudly to their highest achievemen­t — the People’s Guarantee. That’s the title of the party platform they’ve been counting on to win the June election, thanks to a novel marketing gimmick, the political equivalent to a money-back guarantee.

Last November, Brown publicly signed a pledge to give up the job of premier if he failed to deliver on his campaign promises — notably a new law on “Trust, Integrity, and Accountabi­lity.”

This week, Brown inadverten­tly delivered on that promise, unexpected­ly. He’d broken a bond with the people of Ontario, and with his own party, by getting caught up in allegation­s of sexual impropriet­y.

And faced his own moment of accountabi­lity over integrity and trust. Patrick, we hardly knew ’ye — and now, we never will.

All that changed Wednesday night, when CTV aired detailed descriptio­ns from two women alleging sexual misconduct by Brown. As a teetotalli­ng politician, they said, he targeted intoxicate­d teenagers — including an employee on the public payroll.

Brown had been morally and mortally wounded. The man who would be premier became the fastest footnote to Ontario political history.

His alleged trolling for teens has an echo of Alabama’s Roy Moore, the Bible-thumping hypocrite whose underage victims exposed him before he could be elected to the U.S. Senate. Brown has always banked on the “court of public opinion” to finish off Wynne and her governing Liberals, weighed down by political baggage after 14 years in power. When the premier waived her parliament­ary privilege and agreed to testify as a Crown witness in a Sudbury byelection bribery trial last year, Brown mischievou­sly claimed that the she was personally on trial. When the Liberals asked him to retract the falsehood, Brown refused.

He kept insisting that the court of public opinion had condemned Wynne, even though she had never been on trial in a court of law. That world view came back to haunt Brown Wednesday night.

Fantasizin­g about filing a libel suit over the allegation­s of his own impropriet­y, he acknowledg­ed that the roles were now reversed:

“I know that the court of public opinion moves fast. I have instructed my attorneys to ensure that these allegation­s are addressed where they should be: in a court of law.”

Live by the court of public opinion. Die by the court of public opinion.

 ?? FRANK GUNN THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Party deputy leaders Ontario MPP Sylvia Jones and MPP Steve Clark hold a news conference at Legislativ­e Assembly of Ontario in Toronto on Thursday.
FRANK GUNN THE CANADIAN PRESS Party deputy leaders Ontario MPP Sylvia Jones and MPP Steve Clark hold a news conference at Legislativ­e Assembly of Ontario in Toronto on Thursday.

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