Waterloo Region Record

Canada empowers border security to halt aluminum, steel dumping


OTTAWA — The federal government is taking extra steps to crack down on companies that try to ship cheap foreign steel and aluminum through the Canadian market.

The Canada Border Services Agency is being granted extra powers to identify businesses that try to dodge import duties and more flexibilit­y to determine whether prices in countries of origin are reliable or distorted.

“We want to protect our steel and aluminum industries and these measures are to ensure that there is no circumvent­ion of Canadian border rules or regulation­s,” Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said Tuesday.

Beginning in mid-April, unions will also be allowed to take part in trade-remedy proceeding­s, including at the Canadian Internatio­nal Trade Tribunal, into whether foreign exports hurt domestic producers.

“We’ve been very clear that our rules are strong and we’re going to make sure that they are fully and properly enforced,” Goodale said. “We’re not going to give anyone any specious excuse for any kind of action against the Canadian steel or aluminum industry, because that action is totally, entirely and utterly unjustifie­d.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with U.S. President Donald Trump by phone Monday, emphasizin­g the strong measures Canada is taking to address unfair trade in aluminum and steel.

On Tuesday, he suggested the move to strengthen the existing regime came recently.

“This past few days, we’ve looked at strengthen­ing the measures we already have in place, because it’s important that we not be taking in dumped steel from around the world,” Trudeau said.

“This is something that I assured our steelworke­rs and our aluminum workers of when I visited them a couple of weeks ago.

“We’re going to continue to stand firm to protect our industry and the North American industry.”

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