Waterloo Region Record

Free speech: We can’t learn and grow without critical thought


Re: WLU failed to protect unpopular speech on campus — March 22

I am no fan of Faith Gordyk, but I wish she’d been able to speak. Not many of us might agree with her, but hearing all sides allows us to understand and make decisions. We can’t do that by listening only to voices that agree with our own. We can’t learn and grow without critical thought. We have to question our own ideas and motivation­s so we don’t get stuck on there being only one idea. Critical thought is incredibly hard, but also incredibly important. It is something that needs to be taught throughout school and made part of our daily lives.

Compromise is a lost art in this world of fake realities. We’ve all tended to take sides and stop listening. Arguments like “You have your truth and I have mine” are impossible statements. There are not two truths on a particular argument. When one answer is right, the other is wrong. Do you ask yourself why the truth doesn’t matter? On two sides of a question, if one is truth, the other is opinion. They are not the same thing.

This isn’t about fighting over who is right. This is about understand­ing. My parents came to Canada from Holland after the Second World War. My parents were Christian. My grandfathe­r was Jewish and married a German. My parents had faith, but were supportive of women’s rights and gay rights. That’s part of what colours my views, though I’ve had to find my own ways to my values. I want you to share your stories, your views and, especially, why you have those views. No fighting. No bickering. Just share your thoughts and why you have them. We need debate, not argument. We need understand­ing, not insults.

Free speech is critical. So is understand­ing each other without animosity. Common ground is what we need. We don’t have to agree on everything but we can come together. The only problem today is all we here what we want to hear. We all need to stop, listen and ask questions. Larry Lootsteen


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