Waterloo Region Record

Saudi power being wielded by an erratic and overconfid­ent leader

Don’t confuse allowing women to drive with real liberal reform in this traditiona­l dictatorsh­ip

- GWYNNE DYER Gwynne Dyer’s new book is ‘Growing Pains: The Future of Democracy (and Work)’.

Joy and pride among Saudi women who are at last allowed to drive. Delight in the car dealership­s that anticipate a lot of new business. And dismay in the families of the 1.4 million chauffeurs, almost all from South Asia, who have been earning around $1,000 a month driving Saudi women around. But it will take a lot more than this to change Saudi Arabia.

Just before driving became legal for women, 17 women activists who have been campaignin­g for years against the driving ban were arrested. Eight have now been released, but the others are facing possible trial in a counterter­rorism court and long prison sentences for their activism. Does the right hand know what the left is doing?

Yes, it does. Letting women drive is part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s project to win popular support by modernizin­g some aspects of daily life. Looking like he is giving in to popular pressure is definitely not part of his program. The change must look like a free gift from his hand, not a retreat in the face of public protest.

The notion that Mohammed bin Salman is liberalizi­ng the Saudi system is a fantasy. Having ruthlessly sidelined all rival claimants to the throne — his father, King Salman, is 82 and ailing — he has now centralize­d power to an unpreceden­ted extent. Saudi Arabia was a traditiona­l, deeply conservati­ve monarchy that always ensured there was a fair degree of consensus among the elite. It is now a dictatorsh­ip.

MbS, as he is known, is an impulsive man, and one of his bigger mistakes was to invite the UN’s special rapporteur on anti-terrorism, Ben Emmerson, to visit the country to report on how it was reconcilin­g the need to prevent terrorism with respect for human rights. Emmerson came back in early May. His report was unusually frank for a diplomatic document, and in a subsequent media interview he went well beyond that.

The Saudi anti-terrorism law is written in a way that criminaliz­es all dissent, he told The Guardian. Torture in Saudi jails is commonplac­e, the guilty officials go unpunished, and Saudi Arabia “is undergoing the most ruthless crackdown on political dissent that the country has experience­d in decades.”

“Reports that Saudi Arabia is liberalizi­ng are completely wide of the mark,” Emmerson said. “The judiciary has now been brought entirely under the control of the King, and lacks any semblance of independen­ce from the executive. Put simply, there is no separation of power in Saudi Arabia, no freedom of expression, no free press, no effective trade unions, and no functionin­g civil society.”

Moreover, MbS’s successes in crushing dissent within the country have made him overconfid­ent about his skill in foreign policy. He summoned Lebanese Prime Minister to Riyadh and forced him to resign, only to see Hariri get his job back in alliance with Hezbollah, a Shia Islamist group that MbS utterly detests.

He declared a blockade of Saudi Arabia’s small but wealthy neighbour, Qatar, to force it to close down the Al-Jazeera network, the most influentia­l Arabic-language news service, and to break its ties with Iran, the country that MbS fears most. One year later Al-Jazeera is still alive and kicking, and Qatar has moved closer to Iran.

And in his biggest blunder, he launched a military interventi­on in the Yemeni civil war to defeat the Houthis, a Shia tribe that has captured most of Yemen and that he believes (wrongly) is controlled and armed by Iran.

Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes have killed thousands, its ally the United Arab Emirates has thousands of troops on the ground — and three years later the Houthis still control most of the heavily populated parts of Yemen, including the capital.

It’s not exactly Saudi Arabia’s Vietnam — the Saudis have no troops on the ground, and the Emiratis are mostly using foreign mercenarie­s — but the Yemeni interventi­on is very expensive, deeply embarrassi­ng, and probably unwinnable. In the long run, it may be MbS’s undoing.

The wealth has been more widely shared in Saudi Arabia than in most oil-rich countries, and for the nonpolitic­al majority life is still pretty good. Even for women, things are very gradually getting better: 60 per cent of Saudi university graduates are female, and now they can drive too. But the country is now being run by an erratic and overconfid­ent dictator.

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