Waterloo Region Record

The Bridge Column



Both vulnerable, East deals *Splinter bid, shortness in diamonds with four-card spade support Opening lead: Jack of ◆ Today’s deal is from the recent USBA Team Trials to select the USA’s next representa­tive to the world championsh­ips. Both East-West pairs were playing Precision. The opening bid only promised two diamonds, so neither West player got involved.

What would you do with the South hand after a splinter bid by North?

At one table, South signed off in four spades with his minimum hand. He ruffed the opening diamond lead, cashed the ace of spades, and led a low club to his queen. He was able to claim all 13 tricks when that held, as he could eventually take a ruffing finesse against the king of clubs to create a discard for his heart loser.

At the other table, after the same start, American expert Steve Weinstein chose to bid four hearts and show his control in that suit. This made all the difference. North was encouraged to bid five diamonds, confirming a void in diamonds. Weinstein was able to imagine many hands with partner holding four or more spades and a diamond void that would produce a slam, so he jumped to six spades.

Weinstein took 13 tricks in much the same way as his counterpar­t at the other table. This fine result led to a victory in the match and Weinstein and his teammates on the Nickel team are headed to the world championsh­ips in China. Congratula­tions!

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