Waterloo Region Record

Electric cars make sense


Re: Electric-car subsidies warranted — Sept. 24

Stacey Danckert’s well-reasoned rebuttal to the Fraser Institute rant against electric cars actually understate­s the case for public support for electric vehicle adoption.

Peak demand for electricit­y in Ontario has been falling for decades. So long as our government insists on tying our power supply to overpriced nuclear reactors which cannot be shut down or started up quickly in response to demand changes, we will continue to sell surplus electricit­y out of province, at a loss. We all pay for that.

Our surplus power could instead be used during off-peak hours to fuel a much more environmen­tally-friendly transporta­tion source.

Projection­s are that improvemen­ts in battery technology will make electric vehicles cost-competitiv­e with traditiona­l internal combustion engine cars as soon as five years from now. Pity that our government­s don’t see the value in helping to speed up the adoption of cleaner cars and stem the flow of carbon emissions into our atmosphere now. The so-called savings from the cancellati­on of Ontario’s Green Energy Act are a classic example of pennywise, pound-foolish. Sadly, future generation­s will pay the bill unless we act quickly.

Michael Strathdee


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