Waterloo Region Record



East-West vulnerable, South deals

The bidding: SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST 1◆ 1♥ 2♥* Pass 3NT Pass 6◆ All pass *Diamond fit, at least invitation­al values Opening lead: King of ♥

Today’s deal is from the World Championsh­ips in 2011. The full auction is not available — just the first three bids. We’ve guessed at the rest. Forgive us if you don’t like our bidding, but we had to get to slam somehow.

Slam looked nearly impossible when dummy came down. East had to have a heart, so that he couldn’t ruff the opening lead, and it had to be the 10 so declarer could avoid a second heart loser. South played dummy’s ace at trick one and was both relieved that East followed and disappoint­ed that he didn’t follow with the 10.

South drew trumps in three rounds as West discarded one heart and one spade. South cashed the king and queen of clubs before crossing to dummy with the ace of spades. He discarded a heart on the ace of clubs, then cashed the king of spades and led another spade. East played the queen and declarer had a brainstorm. Instead of ruffing, South discarded a heart. East, on lead with only black cards remaining, had to lead one. The resulting ruff-sluff allowed South to discard his remaining heart and ruff in dummy. Making six!

Declarer gets high marks for his enterprisi­ng play, but the defense could have done better. West should keep all his spades, discarding two low hearts when declarer drew trumps. This would allow East to make the fine play of ducking his queen of spades later and giving South no winning option in the play. No brainstorm, no slam.

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