Waterloo Region Record

Proud of relief efforts put forth by government


I am proud to say our federal and provincial government­s have instituted a number of relief efforts during the current pandemic. These include the Emergency Response Benefit, the Emergency Wage Subsidy, Residentia­l Relief Fund, Support for Families Initiative­s, to name a few. These measures are all important to the health of the province and the nation.

My hope is that the legislator­s also remember our health-care workers, first

Do we trust in mankind to bring peace? My only comfort in life and death is knowing I belong to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Not a hair will fall from my head without the will of my heavenly Father, and today’s COVID-19 was also in His will, showing us that mankind can never bring peace — and certainly not eternal life. Hank Jager Fergus responders, store clerks, and others who have worked so hard during these times to keep all of us safe, healthy and fed. They have put their and their families’ health and lives in danger for the sake of the rest of us. More specifical­ly, I propose that our government­s implement a Pandemic Tax Relief Program. Give each of the “angels” listed above a significan­t income tax deduction for 2020 to recognize their tireless contributi­on.

I will leave it to the government­s to fill in the details but would emphasize the word “significan­t” in the proposal. Terry Stewart Waterloo

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