
How Does Your Garden Grow?

Never mind silver bells and cockle shells. What plants really need to grow is water! Making a watering can is easier than you think — all you need are a few things you can find around the house.


What You’ll Need:

• A plastic jug with a lid

• A hammer and nail or drill • An adult to help

Follow these steps:

1. Ask an adult for help to make your very own watering can.

2. Using the hammer and nail or a drill, make holes in the lid of a jug. 3. Decorate the sides of the watering can with a marker or wind colourful yarn around the watering can and tie it tightly to secure it in place.

4. Fill your watering can with water and play!

Think about it:

• Have you ever stopped to think about how plants drink?

They take in water through their roots.

• Would you say plants prefer the gentle rain from a watering can or the fast pouring of water with the lid off? Water that’s poured too quickly on soil can move the soil around. And that soil is needed to cover up the roots of your plant. That’s why watering cans are a plant’s best friend!

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