Windsor Star

There’s nothing ugly in nutrition

- DRS. OZ & ROIZEN Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of The Dr. Oz Show, and Mike Roizen, M.D. is chief wellness officer and chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. To live your healthiest, tune into The Dr. Oz Show or visit

Summer’s hottest food trend: Weird-o veggies and fruit, from wrinkled heirloom tomatoes and strangely shaped carrots to gnarly Jerusalem artichokes. They’re turning up in farmers markets and local grocery stores, providing a nourishing flood of nutrients, fibre and healthy phytochemi­cals.

We hope the increasing availabili­ty of these exotic-looking foods will help you learn to accept the not just “supposed-to-be-weird” varieties, but the less-than-perfect fresh fruits and veggies supermarke­t chains now throw away because consumers mistakenly think there’s something wrong with them.

We’ve become so used to overly managed produce (it looks like it’s had plastic surgery!) that we shy away from unmanicure­d pieces.

We throw away carrot-topping greens, broccoli stems and oranges that are less than perfectly round and evenly coloured because we’ve been taught they have no value.

Not so fast! Eating fresh “ugly produce” and its nasty bits fuels the good-guy bacteria in your digestive system, and that’s a big deal.

Those bacteria help promote a strong immune system, a healthy weight and comfy digestion, and might protect against depression, diabetes and even aging. Those unattracti­ve parts are loaded with digestible and non-digestible fibre that good-for-you gut bacteria love to dine on. In addition, many types of produce are loaded with compounds called xyloglucan­s, which beneficial bacteria also like to eat.

Joining the ugly veggie movement helps the planet, too. You’re investing in agricultur­al diversity when you buy tasty vintage apples, sweet little local strawberri­es, oldfashion­ed melon types and other deliciousl­y eccentric fruit and veggie varieties that factory farms won’t grow.

Five ways to embrace ugly produce, deliciousl­y and easily: • Use the weird bits. Stop tossing broccoli stalks, kale stems, beet greens and tough cauliflowe­r cores. Sure, you’ve got to cut off the bad spots and dirty ends, but use the rest by making slaw or adding pureed bits to soups or chopped bits to stir-fries. Mince carrot tops and add to chicken soup for a real flavour boost. Steam or saute beet greens and stems (delicious!). Or try slicing cauliflowe­r cross-wise to create “steaks.” Brush with olive oil and garlic, then grill. You’ll get all the flavours you love and the nutrition you need — and you’ll save money! • Don’t snub three-legged carrots or bent zucchini. Unless they’re bruised or past their prime, fruit and veggies with imperfect shapes or colours are perfectly fine. And follow the advice of a French supermarke­t chain’s wildly popular, 2014 ‘Inglorious Fruit and Vegetables’ campaign: Chop ’em, mash ’em or toss ’em in soup. As one advertisem­ent put it, “A Hideous Orange ... Makes Beautiful Juice.” • Try a truly hideous vegetable. Jerusalem artichokes, a.k.a. “sun chokes,” look like potatoes with a self- esteem problem, but this ugly veggie adds juicy crunch to salads. Celery root is wildly hairy; but the veggie inside makes a tasty soup! They might temporaril­y increase your gas, but they increase your bacterial diversity, and unless you’re an elevator operator, diversity wins that competitio­n for your health. These strange veggies are all sources of inulin — a fibre that’s a gourmet feast for good bacteria in your digestive system. • Buy local. Local produce may not look as perfect as grocerysto­re goods, but often it’s fresher and riper. Being picked at ripeness and sold quickly often makes it a more nutritious and tasty choice. Another tip: Chat up growers at local farm markets; some raise their crops via organic methods even if they don’t have an official “organic” designatio­n from the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e. • Pair ugly fruit with gorgeous chocolate or wonderful red wine. So what if the peaches are lopsided, or the strawberri­es aren’t perfectly formed? Slice and serve with dark chocolate, and no one will notice. Turns out good bacteria in your digestive system breaks down chocolate into compounds that cool inflammati­on and pamper artery walls. Red wine (in moderation, of course) provides polyphenol­s that encourage the growth of good bacteria while discouragi­ng the bad guys, keeping your personal microbiome in balance. Now, that’s beautiful!

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